Thursday, March 27, 2008

Memory crisis.

It is been a long time I did'nt update my blog because of some problem that I been experienced in past few days. It hard to admit but this is a fact, but not necessarily serious. Having trouble to remember something is the things that I really wanted to share with you. Im sure that many of us have been affected with this kind of scenario, but don't worry guys your not alone. According to the most recent study, forgetting is a type of scenario that affects people's mind through refusing to convert information from short-memory to long-term memory. People got easily to forget thing that is usually happen in the daily basis. For instance, people don't remember what they have eaten on their dinner last 3 days. This things can be occurs because we refuse process some information without focus attention or "consciousness". Another example is blinking your eyes and the enternal bodily processes like digesting food.These things occurs in unconcious way. Long-term memory, however, retain the whole information that has manage to pass through shor-term memory system. To restore information from short term memory into long term memory it needs specific procedures called elaborative rehearsal. Means rehearsal methods that requires focus attention to be able to restore information into memory. For instance, studying your exam can not be restore as quickly as what you expected, it requires amount of time before you completely remember everything. So, hope you guys have learn something about our process of memory. don't ever think that you have problem with your memory, if you experienced the same thing like mine please... don't take it seriously. forgetting thing does'nt mean you have a memory decay or some memory disorders or your getting old. Its just a matter of how we stored information through focus attention. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!:)


1 comment:

Janine said...

welcome to the blogging world..heheheh