Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Effect of Pain Killers

My day is turn crazy since I have been dealing with my monthly illness. Today it's attacking me again. This is a normal for a woman to have it once in a month. Dysmenohria is a severe pain I encounter during my period. I know that we feel uncomfortable aside from pain, it's sometime come along with constipation and constant release of feces,cold sweat and more. Yes, this what I have experience sometimes, that’s is why it is difficult for me to figure it out which one is really hurts bad.

Some medical experts offer the quickest tips to ease the intense pain we feel. One of their recommendation is to take pain killer pills. I know that some of us are knowledgeable enough what circumstances we might encounter in taking pills. Pills can produce psychological dependence. Our body chemistry changes as the result of repeated use of drugs so that the body comes to depend on having a steady supply of the drug. When physiologically dependent people abruptly stop their drug use, they may experience a cluster of unpleasant and sometime dangerous symptoms called a Withdrawal Syndrome- another frequent sign of physiological dependence is Tolerance- the need to increase the amount of a drug to obtain the same effect.

I am sure that some of us are knowledgeable enough the side effect of pain killers. This small and powerful pill offers immediate relief, but it also offer negative effect to our body if we abuse it.

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