Monday, August 4, 2008

Blog Thing From My Frind

I have receive an interesting questionnaire from my friend Mel, I had no idea what is all about. When I open the link she shared to me, I'm a little interested in answering this question because the answer are perfectly describe how lucky I am. Our life is full of trials, and sometimes we almost give up and brake us down, but our hope give us the strength to move on. The result of my quiz however, states the countless blessing I have been receive on my entire life. I would love to share it with you, if you interested this Blogthing, you can grab it, and try just for FUN!

You Are 95% Thankful

You're an incredibly thankful person, and everyone around you feels very appreciated.

You inspire people to be more optimistic, forgiving, and grateful.

1 comment:

Reese said...

It's so important to remind ourselves of all we have. Thanks for sharing this!