Psychology is one of my favorite subject, and I was thinking about pursuing this as my future career(hopefully). One thing that I love the most about Psychology is it's very interesting in a way of learning people's behavior, discovering our hidden potentials, and how our negative perception shapes our behavior and more.
Maybe some of you are wondering about why I wrote this things. Well, I just want to let you know how my Speech class and Psychology influence me a lot. Aside from having an excellent teacher, I also learn how to discover my weaknesses, how my negative aspect influence my behavior, and which of those positive reinforcement I need to apply in order to correct it.
This early, I was checking my blog try to figure it out which of these link is useful and discard those unuseful. Well, I have seen this link "
BBC"that exist on my blog. This link contains some useful word and personal test that allows you to determine your inner skills, behavior, and more. Well, since that it's related to my subject I tried to take a quiz and the result was amaze me.
"YouR an Intrapersonal Thinker"
Intrapersonal thinkers:
Spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to understand themselves
Reflect on their thoughts and moods, and work to improve them
You understand how your behavior affects your relationships with others
Like intrapersonal thinkers, Leonardo worked hard to improve all aspects of himself. Other Intrapersonal thinkers include
Sigmund Freud, Gandhi, Grahame Greene
Careers which suit Intrapersonal Thinkers include
Psychologist, Teacher, Pilot, Child care worker, Explorer, Drama therapist."
The reason why I share it with you guys because few weeks ago we discussed about Types of communication, and Intrapersonal communication is one of those topic we been discussed.