These photo are little bit dark because of the backround, I have tried different setting on my camera, unfortunately, same thing happen. Anyway, hope ya'll like it:).
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Is Around The Corner
This image below represent the early decoration of Christmas. We saw this beautiful eye capture scene when we headed back home that night. This is the second time we stopped on this place, last year we did the same thing, but unfortunately, the pictures that I took before is ruined. So, this time I really make sure that I took it very successfully, so here they are a very simple decoration, but its capable to ligthen up the surrounding along the road.

These photo are little bit dark because of the backround, I have tried different setting on my camera, unfortunately, same thing happen. Anyway, hope ya'll like it:).
These photo are little bit dark because of the backround, I have tried different setting on my camera, unfortunately, same thing happen. Anyway, hope ya'll like it:).
Christmas decoration,
Seasonal decoration
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Thanksgiving Day
Gator- a small vehicle you can drive throughout the whole area.
This is me toke a quick pose before we headed back inside the house. The can container shows on this picture contains food for fish.
Satilite at the back of the small house
My husband take a pose near by the small pond
This is the farm house which we normally celebrates the thanksgiving anually.
As I mentioned on my previous content, this is the place where we used to celebrate our thanksgiving anually with my in-laws,uncle and aunt of my husbands side, and the rest of the family including children. This farm has a massive area and surrounded with tall tress. This is also a perfect place to hunt wild animals like turkey,
deer, and wild bore and more. My father in-law and his son including my husband always do their favorite activity during winter (hunting deer) I saw lots of pictures showing the animals they have been killed for hunting.
Meanwhile, the pictures above didn't show the rest of the family member who have been attended the family gathering (thanksgiving) althought some of them connot show up for some reason, we still have a good time celebrating TG especially enjoying the yummy food on the table. I am very proud and thankful for having such a good family like them.
The Day We Spent Our Thanksgiving
We woke up very early yesterday to start to hit the road going to the place where we used to celebrate this festive day with family.We need spent 2 hours drive to reach Paris and few minutes to reach the farm. I love travel, no matter how far it is. It wont really bother me at all, aside from I am not a driver, my job is just keep my mouth talking(to avoid boredome)while my husband do his resposibility to drive. The reason I do this because it keeps the driver awake, and the more I talk the more he responds and that's the key to keep the driver awake and get his attention on the road hmmm nice idea right? Anyway, during our travel I never expect that it was foggy, as you can see on this picture it's look like there is somethine burned around the area. Tha's what we thought, but it's not when I seen the heavy moisture turns to liquid. It's amazing but a little bit scary since you can barely see what's ahead of you.

Foggy Area few miles away from the farm

The fog become thickier on this area
Foggy Area few miles away from the farm
The fog become thickier on this area
Black Friday
I bet that some of you are now busy wandering around inside the mall looking for something interesting stuff. Black Friday-is a Friday after the Thanksgiving in the United States, where it is traditional a Christmas shopping season. On this day, you can assume tons of good deal inside the department store, whether it’s clothes, electronic, appliances, shoes, jewelry, and a lot more. If you are now planning to shop ahead for your Christmas gift for your love ones, well, I guess today is the perfect day for you to visit your local department store near you.
On the other hand, despite of the bad economy, you can’t also tell if people are still follow this traditional shopping day after thanksgiving. Some of us are now trying to be stingy in terms of personal needs. Well, I can’t blame you guys if you did that, just try to be realistic when it come to spending your money, just be sure to buy the stuff if you know you really need it, and ignore those don’t. Keep in mind avoid over spending so you can save during rainy days.
On the other hand, despite of the bad economy, you can’t also tell if people are still follow this traditional shopping day after thanksgiving. Some of us are now trying to be stingy in terms of personal needs. Well, I can’t blame you guys if you did that, just try to be realistic when it come to spending your money, just be sure to buy the stuff if you know you really need it, and ignore those don’t. Keep in mind avoid over spending so you can save during rainy days.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Year After The Incident
Millions of American are going to celebrate the Thanksgiving tomorrow. I am pretty sure that some of us were busy preparing stuff they need for the celebration. My husband and I, however, normally travel to Paris, Texas. The place where the whole family were present (all family Simmons) this celebration is seems like a family reunion because everybody were shows from old generation to the new genaration, and this is also the other way to introduce the new member of the family.
By the way, before I forget this is also a year to remember the horrible incident happens to us last year. This incident occurs when my husband and I drove in a long highway going back home. It was a very chilly night. The temperature reached down to 30 degrees at 9:00 p.m. and it's so windy. My hubby decide to stop in a gas station in Rockwall to fill up the tank because we almost run out of gas. So after he done with it, he start the car. That moment in our suprise when something goes wrong on the car. The car's alarm turns on everytime he starts the car. So, he check everything and tried his best to fix it. Unfortunately, nothing is change. The worst case is, when the engines stop, we obviously no heater inside, no matter how I put a layer of clothes on my body, but I can't ignore the cold temprature. To make the story short, we ended up in the apartment that night. I am still thankful that where in the right place to find an emergency shelter. I just can't imagine if we ended in a place where we can't ask help.
By the way, before I forget this is also a year to remember the horrible incident happens to us last year. This incident occurs when my husband and I drove in a long highway going back home. It was a very chilly night. The temperature reached down to 30 degrees at 9:00 p.m. and it's so windy. My hubby decide to stop in a gas station in Rockwall to fill up the tank because we almost run out of gas. So after he done with it, he start the car. That moment in our suprise when something goes wrong on the car. The car's alarm turns on everytime he starts the car. So, he check everything and tried his best to fix it. Unfortunately, nothing is change. The worst case is, when the engines stop, we obviously no heater inside, no matter how I put a layer of clothes on my body, but I can't ignore the cold temprature. To make the story short, we ended up in the apartment that night. I am still thankful that where in the right place to find an emergency shelter. I just can't imagine if we ended in a place where we can't ask help.
Thanks giving incident
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Great Store Of Auto Parts
If you are one of those people who fascinated about cars, wanted to enhance the performance of your vehicle. Well, I strongly recommend you to visit the This site offers wide variety of selection of auto parts and supercharger that boost the quality performance of your automobile. In addition, provides not just good quality of product, they also give a 100 percent award winning customer service to sutisfied the need of each customers. When it comes to product availability, they sells different brand of charger such Buick supercharger, Mercedes supercharger, and pontiac supercharger So, if you owned one of these car I mentioned above, you can shop it now at For more info just click the link I provided above.
Auto Parts,
Success For Today
As I mentioned on my previous post here, I think it was last week if I am not mistaken. Well, today is the day that I was waited for. This is not excitement folks , but a success that I made a wondeful presentation today. My teacher likes presentation. I just hope that I made an A on my speech today.. thanks God for guiding me today. To tell that truth, I never had a good sleep last night because I was worried about how I am going to present my speech. This is our final project 200 points adition on our grade so, that's the reason why I'm trying to hard to make it done.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
School Event II
Whacky bubbles played by my classmate
This picture shows one of the student who participated the game :)
These are the images that I was posted recently about our school event held outside the school building. well, as you can see only few people shows on these picture because I missed the first part of the game which participated by the teachers and student- the hula-hoop. I was in the line at that time waiting on my popcorn. The moment I recieved my popcorn, that's the time also the game was finished so, no luck, but, never mind I got my popcorn anyway.
School Event
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fun Day in School
No matter how chilly the day is, it won’t really hinder us to participate the activity made by the group of teacher and student outside the school building. Well, as what I have seen this early afternoon, my classmates including me having so much fun participating the different games such as hula-hoop, wacky bubbles, and more. These games was created in order to give the students a small time break or lighten up their spirit to fight against the stressful environment.
Some of classmates however, enjoys making a huge bubbles, playing hula-hoop, whereas me and my classmates “Grace” waited for a pop corn snacks lol. I would say, this is grate day for all of us since this is a very unusual moment to gathered as a group and enjoying each company.
Some of classmates however, enjoys making a huge bubbles, playing hula-hoop, whereas me and my classmates “Grace” waited for a pop corn snacks lol. I would say, this is grate day for all of us since this is a very unusual moment to gathered as a group and enjoying each company.
School Activity
Friday, November 14, 2008
Forgotten It's Friday

Have you ever experience forgetting date and day or thought about it's still the same day as yesterday? Well, I do, this morning I woke very early and thought about I need to took my shower quickly because my class is about to start in a few mins. Hmm sounds strange isn't it? but this what I thought about this morning. Gezz I suspected that I'm just being tired yesterday that's why I acted like crazy this morning and think it's still Thursday. Whewww... thanks God that my exausted mind prove it wrong, It's already Friday, and today supposed to be my relaxing day. Ohh.. by the way, hope you guys enjoy your weekend :) Happy Friday
Today's Confession
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My Long Time Friend
All of us have had some bad memories that we kept for long time. Some of them are things that we avoided to talk about because they left marks in our hurts, and some of them are the memories that we cherish no matter how old it was.
My memories of all my friends still in my mind and every experienced that we had I can clearly recall what are those craziness we did during those days. Through thick and thin, rain or shine we always be there to give comfort, and lighten up those minds and sometime knock on someones's head if they made a bad choice lol.
Anyway, one of these people I am with is Melanie, she's my long time friend in Manila, and it's been long time we didn't have time to chat since we took separate ways. She is a single mom and have two adorable children that kept her busy all the time. She still working in the company that I used to work before I left in Manila. So, today I took this opportunity to chat with her online, I don't really mind about my math exam today, I am very excited to chat with her. Our conversation, however, lasted for an hour, and I just found out that aside from her job, she also started her new business (Baking) and proud to say that she is very successful in it, and looking forward to took her business in Mall area. Well, what can I say, time flies so fast and who knows one day she will be able to make it bigger than what she expect.
My memories of all my friends still in my mind and every experienced that we had I can clearly recall what are those craziness we did during those days. Through thick and thin, rain or shine we always be there to give comfort, and lighten up those minds and sometime knock on someones's head if they made a bad choice lol.
Anyway, one of these people I am with is Melanie, she's my long time friend in Manila, and it's been long time we didn't have time to chat since we took separate ways. She is a single mom and have two adorable children that kept her busy all the time. She still working in the company that I used to work before I left in Manila. So, today I took this opportunity to chat with her online, I don't really mind about my math exam today, I am very excited to chat with her. Our conversation, however, lasted for an hour, and I just found out that aside from her job, she also started her new business (Baking) and proud to say that she is very successful in it, and looking forward to took her business in Mall area. Well, what can I say, time flies so fast and who knows one day she will be able to make it bigger than what she expect.
Daily Journal,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sweet Rice Expirement (Biko)
I am working on my math assignment for couple of hours today and I feel a little bored and stress out for no reason. Stress makes me feel a little bit uncomforted and for that reason it affects my thought in terms of solving math problems. Well, some people do different things to just to remove stress, but in my case, I do listen music and relax or dancing like a penguin alone and have fun, sometime I watch hilarious video. This what usually do to fight stress. Anyway, today I did different things, this idea just pop-up on my mind. I thought it is a great one since I never became success everytime I cook this food.
Well, cooking my favorite food (Bud-bod) is what I am did today. Bud-Bod and biko are one of those food that I am craving for back home. My sister use to cook this type of food during holiday season and birthday’s and I tell you, she really cook it soooo good because she mixed it with buko (young coconut). Ohh…gezzzz yummy good.
Anyway, thank goodness that I had some ingredients for this except young coconut and molasses which is perfect ingredients to add more color and taste. I have a substitute for that and I have a brown sugar which is good replacement. I have been waiting for an hour I guess and not sure if I done it well lol and guess what my prediction is right. The outcome of my biko became ugly heheheh. Ohh good lord, I think I need to dig more on finding what’s the perfect procedure making this food.
Well, cooking my favorite food (Bud-bod) is what I am did today. Bud-Bod and biko are one of those food that I am craving for back home. My sister use to cook this type of food during holiday season and birthday’s and I tell you, she really cook it soooo good because she mixed it with buko (young coconut). Ohh…gezzzz yummy good.
Anyway, thank goodness that I had some ingredients for this except young coconut and molasses which is perfect ingredients to add more color and taste. I have a substitute for that and I have a brown sugar which is good replacement. I have been waiting for an hour I guess and not sure if I done it well lol and guess what my prediction is right. The outcome of my biko became ugly heheheh. Ohh good lord, I think I need to dig more on finding what’s the perfect procedure making this food.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Amazing Animal In Australia

I'm sure that only few people around the word have known this animal that I post above. Is this creature looks familiar to you? if not, me either. In fact, I just seen this animal on television in Animal Planet hosted by Jeff Corwin. On his episode title, "Jeff Corwin Journey" this show provides knowledgeable information that is beneficial to all the viewers. He (Jeff) explore in every continent of the world to introduce the different animals and reptiles and explain animals characteristic. Today he was visited in Kenya and Australia, and wandered around the desert of this two countries. When he turn his journey to Australia he introduce this very unusual looking animal name "The Thorn Devil" (Moloch horridus in Latin word) it looks like scary because of the thorn around on his body. That thorn represent for one purpose, it is designed for their best defense against the enemy (predator). When this lizard threatened by the predator, they perfectly alarmed by constant change on its colour. You can detected when this creature is cold because their color convert from camouflage into a dark olive. The most amazing behavior of this animal, is their adoptation in a harsh desert environment. Their body is covered in a system of tiny grooves or channel run between their scales. This channel grips the water and pass toward to its mouth. The lizard can suck the water and gulping through their mouth. Very interesting isn't it?
Cleaning Schedule

It's been awhile I haven't clean some parts of our house like two rooms and the master bedroom. I start cleaning the closet and then move on to the other room. It was a very exhausted day to me since I spend the whole day cleaning all the mess that I have not paying attention due to my school stuff. Small mess or dirt can accumulate in some areas that is unreachable or never been clean up for long time. On the other hand, I am very grateful for what I have been accomplished for today, and I felt that our house looks clean enough and the bathroom and toilet smells good.
Todays Journal
Friday, November 7, 2008
My Thought For Today
I woke up very early today due to my dysmenorrhea, the pain I felt wakes me up at 5: a:m till 6 am in the morning. I tell ya folks this type of pain is difficult to deal with because connects some parts of your body like your back, and for that reason you never know which part really hurts.
On the other, after I took my medication I was sitting on the couch and watching my favorite show in fox news. By the way, this is now my favorite television since the presidential campaign was started. Well, have some couple of reason what I love about this station. First, this is the only television news station has rated in delivering a fair and balance both of the candidates as their theme propaganda is concern. In this case, I love seeing both parties arguing with each other by defending their presidential candidate just to cleared up the mess that was thrown by their opponents (defending for wrong perception as well).
Watching fox news, by the way, enhances my knowledge about what’s going on around the United States, from economic through International crisis, and just have learn this early morning how high the unemployment rate increases compare to few years ago. According to the financial expert over 2 million people have loosen their job. This information, however, scares me a little bit because we never know what's happen next. My concern about this problem struct my nerves sometimes thinking of my future career or which of these career still indemand (can you predict?). Well, I just hope that our new elected president could find the smartest strategy to overcome this tremendous financial crisis in this country in order to save people’s job.
On the other, after I took my medication I was sitting on the couch and watching my favorite show in fox news. By the way, this is now my favorite television since the presidential campaign was started. Well, have some couple of reason what I love about this station. First, this is the only television news station has rated in delivering a fair and balance both of the candidates as their theme propaganda is concern. In this case, I love seeing both parties arguing with each other by defending their presidential candidate just to cleared up the mess that was thrown by their opponents (defending for wrong perception as well).
Watching fox news, by the way, enhances my knowledge about what’s going on around the United States, from economic through International crisis, and just have learn this early morning how high the unemployment rate increases compare to few years ago. According to the financial expert over 2 million people have loosen their job. This information, however, scares me a little bit because we never know what's happen next. My concern about this problem struct my nerves sometimes thinking of my future career or which of these career still indemand (can you predict?). Well, I just hope that our new elected president could find the smartest strategy to overcome this tremendous financial crisis in this country in order to save people’s job.
Financial crisis,
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Lazy Thursday
I am sitting here since 2 pm after my speech class looking at the window while thinking what I am going to do for this long day. I have been staying here inside the school from 8 in the morning waiting for my class at 11 until 2 pm and then another 7 hours to wait untill my husband finished his class later at 9. Can you imagine how many hours I am here every my school day? pagkafait jud intawn! Well, I have nothing to do with it since I don't drive. My husband drives me every morning and if ever he teach class in school, I going to wait till 9 pm. So, anyway I am just telling you what how many hours I need to wait before we get back to home.
Todays Journal
I Am Back...
Once again my fellow bloggers I am here trying to make any update for today even jus just a few words to say to let you know that this blog is still alive, and my business is still ongoing :). This blog will be fill with words little by little, and I was trying to do that even I am very well occupied on my school works.
On the other hand, we are now approaching to the special that every one's is waiting for... Thanksgiving right? not christmas, but we're gonna get there sooner. Wow can you imagine how time fly so fast? I couldn't really imagine that 2008 will end soon, and 2009 will taking over. Well, anyway have to end this for now. Just wanted to say thanks for those who came on my site and drop their message.
On the other hand, we are now approaching to the special that every one's is waiting for... Thanksgiving right? not christmas, but we're gonna get there sooner. Wow can you imagine how time fly so fast? I couldn't really imagine that 2008 will end soon, and 2009 will taking over. Well, anyway have to end this for now. Just wanted to say thanks for those who came on my site and drop their message.
Today's Update
Monday, November 3, 2008
Time to Update
It's been a long time I never check or made any updates on this blog. The last time write an entry here I believe it was Oct 23, and now it is november, a time to remember which things I left for awhile and needs to be spent a little time. As you remember my class became more demanding at this moment, and this is the reason why I put this blog aside to prioritze my subject first. Time gone so fast, the more I ignore the day and didn't pay any attention to it, the more closer it will be to the end of this semester. We're now approaching to December we can't ignore that, and this class that I been taken right now will be ended on the first week of December. Wow...In this case, I would appologize to those visited on my blog for the reason that wont be able to revisited you on your respected blog because of some reason. I just hope that you still keep on coming and I assure you one of this day that you will be seing me stoping on your respected blog. Thanks for your visit and have more power to your blogging business.
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