Sunday, June 29, 2008
Grocery Weekend
Weekend is usually the schedule of our grocery shopping for one week. We normally go to two different store like Walmart and Asian Market. Today we went to the newest open Asian Market in Garland. This store was open last June 15, I have no idea about this new open Asian Market in our area, my husband had read this information from the local newpaper. I told him to visit this Market today. I was impress the size of this store it is quite big. This is the biggest Asian Market in our location I believe. The area is bigger than Sam Club. When you walk inside, you can see different shops such as vietnamese restaurant,photography shop, salon, beauty shop,and more. I feel like I was inside in Megamall (The biggest shopping mall in my country). If you feel hungry and exausted after bought your groceries, you can derictly walk through the other side, where you can buy some asian food (all vietnamese no pinoy). You can stay there as long as you want, while enjoying watching movie. Hmmmmm this store really provide convinience to all shoppers, and aside for that its clean and not smelly unlike any other asian store that I have been before. Well,I am sure that lots of asian people were keep on coming there, of course one of them is me.
Blog Update. Business,
Saturday, June 28, 2008

I though that worm is only survive in a dry, wet, warm environment, but as I watch this a documentary title, “Extreme Alaska; Denali Park” I found out that worm is exist in this type of environment. This creature called “Icy worm” they look like an earthworm and survive under thick part of glacier ice in Alaska They can also found in Washington, Britain Columbia, and Oregon and any glacier part of the world. Their survival depends on their environmental temperature. Ice worms retreat underneath the ice before dawn Enzyme in ice worms have very low optimal temperatures, and can be denatured at even a few degrees above 0 degree C . When ice worms are exposed to temperatures as low as 5°C, their membranes melt and the worm itself liquefies. Ice grows several centimeters long, and they can be black, brown, and white in color. These creature has maladaptive behavior in terms of temperature, I hope they will flourish and still protected despite of the danger effect of global warming.
Blog Update,
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Seven Continents

Thanks to Alf for linking me on this tag
Rules :
1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
2. Put your blog's name and url write in which continent you live, add the country you live in. Example : My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands)
3. Leave your url post in here and I'll add you to the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Don't play unfair! If you have more than 1 blog, you can participate all your blogs for this tag. BUT you will have to post this tag to all your blogs as well. So, please. Don't cheat!
6. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.
7. Don't forget to use the banner at your post, you can save as or you can just copy the code in here.
Master List :
A. Asia : 1. Moms... Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Hailey's Beats and Bits (Philippines) 3. allinkorea (Korea) 4. kimchiland (Korea) 5. idealpinkrose (Korea) 6. korean food (Korea) 7. Bernie (Philippines)8.Your next
B. Australia : 1. your turn
C. Afrika : 1. your turn
D. North Amerika : 1. alf
E. South Amerika : 1. your turn
F. Europe : 1. My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana's Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4.your turn
G. Antarctica : 1. your turn
~ End Copy ~
I would like to invite my friends Katie, Jaja, Mel, and Joy to travel with me exploring these 7 continents
Blog Update: Tagging,
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Today's Grace
I could not believe what I have been experienced tonight. PPP showered their never ending opps today, but the problem I had is when I grab available opps it always says "This opportunity is already been taken" Pastilan oi...manindog man sad atong buhok ani!I have been calling Mel since this afternoon let her know this open opps, but unfortunately no available for her. Tonighr she called me back and say that there's more opps on her. wow... good for her, she finally got one. I wish she can grab more. Well, I got 2 opps from PPP and I am vey happy for it. Pwede na!:)
Blog Update,
Tag From Rose

I am so grateful for wonderful tagged recieved from Rose. She's a wonderful girl, I have met her through blogging. I never though that it would be like this, sharing and exchanging information to others is more fun. Rose thanks for this wonderful award that you gave me, its a grate feeling for having you in my list. This Tag will be continue to hung in my blog and would love to share this to Joy, Kate, and Grace.
Blog Update: Social Relation
PPP and SS Back to Normal
I am sure that majority of PPP and SocialSpark bloggers have been encountered this problem yesterday. It was started at 1: 00 p.m when I am about to submit my opps that was I was taken that day. The system was gone and I have no idea what going on, I tries to search or login the site, but the search engine say “ Opps…the site address cannot be found” Ohh dear.. I was wondering how it gonna happen. I just wanted to ask some bloggers or my friends if she/they experienced the same scenario, but I don’t know who am I to call. Melanie can’t answer my question for sure because she also have had her internet problem nor Katie-she was working yesterday. This problem lasted until 7 at night. I just found out the source of the problem when I tried to search at 7: p.m. PPP and SS system is down. Whewwwww … big relieved, I thought that I was banned in both site hehehe my hurt is pumping so fast! I don’t care if I lost my opps yesterday. The most important is I am here still connects with both sites, and continuing hunting opps heheh. Anyway, I am grateful for the news that their system is back today.
Blog Update,
Computer System Scenario
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Flames of Friendship
Copy this post starting from the picture to the end, and add your blog on the list below.
Let's start FLAMING!

A symbol of spirit and unity.
The burning icon of love.
Undying picture of hope.
The hot symbol of oneness.
The Flame of Friendship.
And now it's your turn to flame yourself!
Meet new friends and discover friendship
Make bonds
Janeth Vicky Life's Journey
A Simple Life
Hailey's Domain
Vanity Kit
Something Purple
Stripe & Yellow
Em's Detour
Haley's Beats and Bits
Fun, Fierce and Fabulous
Me, Myself + 2
Confession of Supermodel wannabe
Tasteful Voyage
Filipino Love Stories
A Mom's Note
Ummi Rosma
Your Next,
This tag will be kept here all the time,however, this is my turn to roll this on to Joy, Grace, Kate,and Mel. Thanks to my friend Katie
Let's start FLAMING!

A symbol of spirit and unity.
The burning icon of love.
Undying picture of hope.
The hot symbol of oneness.
The Flame of Friendship.
And now it's your turn to flame yourself!
Meet new friends and discover friendship
Make bonds
Janeth Vicky Life's Journey
A Simple Life
Hailey's Domain
Vanity Kit
Something Purple
Stripe & Yellow
Em's Detour
Haley's Beats and Bits
Fun, Fierce and Fabulous
Me, Myself + 2
Confession of Supermodel wannabe
Tasteful Voyage
Filipino Love Stories
A Mom's Note
Ummi Rosma
Your Next,
This tag will be kept here all the time,however, this is my turn to roll this on to Joy, Grace, Kate,and Mel. Thanks to my friend Katie
Blog Community,
Blog Update,
Author's Blog Content: Readability
I have been clicking all my friend list this morning visited some of them, its been a long time that I have neglected to visit some of those who are not active at all. As you can see, those who are not appears to be luminous (lighted) are not visited my blog anymore, so I was thinking about removing it on my list or just let it be. Well, I visited some of them but some them are not, I came through this blog name "Poshposh" I saw something interesting on her content I read all the text about this thing. It very cool I would say because this thing will show you the quality of your blog (text) everything. Curiosity struck me again, I try my blog and this is what it says,

The result is impressive right? hheheh. Well, I am not sure if it is real, but hey..if you eager to know the quality of your Intelligence, then try this out! Just for fun!
Thanks for Poshposh blog got this Readability from her.

The result is impressive right? hheheh. Well, I am not sure if it is real, but hey..if you eager to know the quality of your Intelligence, then try this out! Just for fun!
Thanks for Poshposh blog got this Readability from her.
Blog Content,
Blog Update
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My Best Friend Flory

The relationship between the people you have treasure would never fade away even though your being separated thousands or million miles away from each other. Time will give you the way to connect each other by internet or phone, big thanks to our technology that helps us to connect our friends and love ones across the globe. The picture that I attached above is my best friend name Flory, we started build our close relationship when I was hired as customer representative in the company she work with. My supervisor was introduced me to her, my first impression to her that time is kind a snobby type woman. Flory was assigned in optical shop in Shangri La Plaza Mall, Mandaluyong, where as me was assigned in Cross Pen (American brand pen) at Podium Mall consider as one of the high class mall in the Philippines. Flory and I started chatted each other daily through phone discussing some issue that involve with our employment status, financial, audit, managing the store, and sales, or even nonsense topic just make our day happy and get off from stressful environment (job) I would say. Through phone call and exchanging ideas Flory and I click each other right away, she started introduced me to her friend and so do I. I guess that we destine to be close friends, we both have the same interest in life, party going, and love to be around with people. We share every thing we have (except boy friend hehehe) she has her own taste and have mine hehehe, and sharing problems. We go shopping together, eating outside, whoever has a date (me or her), you can expect the sidekick is present. She’s a good cook, I feel very special every time I visit her house, she prepares my favorite food, fruits, and made my fav desert. I feel like her younger sister, she is very caring, wonderful person, trusted friend that willing to fight and protect you in times of trouble. Our happy moment was ended when Flory and I took separate ways, she was employed in U.E.A, settled there for good, while me I married to American guy and finally settled in the United States. Despite of busy life that we have today, we still have time to communicate each other. Although it is not enough, we still grateful for the chance that were able to connect no matter how far we are from each other, the true meaning of friendship is still there and cannot be forgotten. I MISS YOU FRIEND!!!
Blog Update,
Social Connection
Shine Jesus Shine

"God is so amazing he created living thing and non living thing with lots of purposes"
My wonderful friend name Joy gave me this tag. Thanks for this tag girl, I do appreciate it :)
Shine Jesus Shine
God Has Amazing Things in Store for You
Stars do not struggle to shine; rivers do not struggle to flow, and you will never struggle to excel in life, because you deserve the best. Hold on to your dream and it shall be well with you… Amen.
The eyes beholding this message shall not behold evil, the hand that will send this message to others shall not labor in vain, the mouth saying Amen to this prayer shall laugh forever, remain in God’s love. Good morning, your dream will not die, your plans will not fail, your destiny will not be aborted, and the desire of your heart will be granted in Jesus’ name.
Say a big Amen and if you believe it, send it to all your friends. Blessings will know your name and address beginning this day. None goes to the river early in the morning and brings dirty water. As you are up this morning, may your life be clean, calm and clear like the early morning water. May the grace of the Almighty support, sustain and supply all your needs according to His riches and glory. Amen.
Love the Lord. Have a wonderful day in Jesus’ name. The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.
Remember You are Blessed beyond all curses in Jesus’ name (John 10:10)
Rules :
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can, the more the better!
Christinchen’s Soapbox, A Tsinay Blog, Berry Blog, Rojoy's Daily Update, Mommy Joy Of Two, Buzzy Bee Mom, My Journey, Celebrate Life, Jean's Live it Up..., My Precious Niche, Outback-Pinay, Joy Burlinson, Surviving Deployment, Joy - my daily discourse,Neurogyp,Bernie In wonderland
From This Side,Yours next->
I would like to pass this amazing tag to Mel, Katie,and Jaja
Blog Update,
Social Community,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
My First Bug Bite

Yesterday was officially declared as the first day of summer. According to the meteorologist, this is the earliest summer that we have since 10 years ago. Summer is full of fun because this our time to enjoy the beauty of nature, we can do lots of thing around the house such as gardening, trimming, and more. That’s my husband does every time he have spare time, he tries to change the wood that holds the soil that prevent from erotion, and change it into solid blocks because it almost touch the neighbors property. To avoid conflict, he decided to work on it. He was still outside until now. Waiting for me to help him, after I finished posted my first opps, I changed my clothes and go outside the backyard to help him. It is pretty hot in here, but my husband doesn’t care the heat touch on his body. In fact, he continues to work the fence without wearing his T-shirt, I gave him a T-shirt, but refused to wear it. He told me, he likes to be tan (nakss). Anyway, I spent 30 minutes standing outside watching him, but I decided to get back inside because of those small freaky creatures wanted to take a little bit of my flesh. I hate mosquitoes, this is my primary enemy during summer, they really chase me wherever I go. I can’t continue to work or help my husband because it really bothers me. This creature is very smart I would say because no matter how I put insect repellant in specific areas they could easily to bite, they are going to find sensitive areas that cannot be sprayed, like ears, neck, and forehead. It really pissed me off, but what can I do. They need to survive, and I am the primary source of their existance.
Blog Update,
Friday, June 20, 2008
My Superhero's Birthday

It’s a great feeling when you have a chances to talked to your family back home. It feels like they lives 1 mile away from your home. I just talked to my father today, and I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity to heard his voice once again. He seems like very excited and happy every time he heard the voice of her bunso (youngest daugther). I have been away from my father since 1995. I still remember the time when my sister sent me money for my trip to Manila, he totally disagree with it. He don’t really wants me to go away. The reason why he won’t let me go is I am very young and certified laagan, and he can’t monitor me at all. After long negotiation regarding the trip, my father finally agreed, although it is difficult for both of us to be apart, he still manage his emotion. He appears to be ok before I say goodbye, but I know deep down inside, it really tore his heart. I saw his teary eyes, heard his trembled voice. He don’t even looked at my eyes nor say goodbye before I walked through out the door. Were both emotional that time, both holding back our tears, and pretending to be strong. I understand why my father against about my decision because he knows that I am not fully prepare to take my journey alone. His wonderful advice is my guidance to get through all the trials. By the way, I called my father to greet him a Happy Birthday. He celebrated his 76 birthday ..happy that his still strong and healthy…(Tuba makes him strong!) seriously, he can’t function well with out Tuba on his system hehehe. To my Papa Happy Birthday, I Love You Very Much. Thanks God for giving us a wonderful father like you. I LOVE YOU PAPA!! I MISSSS you Very much...hugsss muah..muah.muah
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Daily Journal
I wake up so early today to prepare my husband meal, we watch the early new for today, and we found out that there a storm approaching to our early, no wonder, its cloudy and a little windy outside right now. Some area had already experienced this nasty weather, the wind is up to 60-70 miles per hour at least! Wow...(kun sa pilipinas pa bagyo na) unpredictable weather! yesterday we have nice day, but today it turns nasty. Sounds it is the same weather we experienced 2 ago, we experienced 60-70, this wind is capable to damage houses and contribute some electrical damage or accidents. Weather here in Texas is like a wheel, it is wonderful for few days, then suddenly turn to bad :). Well, as I can say, we can't predict the nature
Blog Update,
Daily Journal
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Result Of Economic Turmoil
Yesterday, my husband and I heard a bad news from the fm radio station Kidd Kradik. This is our favorite station we used to hear when we headed to work every day. This is the early program discuss about some issues like politics, celebrity news, and even local news. Normally one of the radio announcer (Kelly) deliver their news during 8:30 in the morning, so my husband make it sure that the radio turn it on all the time. So, the news yesterday is about economy. Well, we already know how bad the economy today. All citizens are knowledgeable enough the rapid increase price of gas, and of course all of us are not happy with the economic instability struck in this country. The result shakes every people’s nerves because everything have been affected when the economic is bad. The price of food raise up to 10% from the previous price is normal scenario, but what if the electric bill will raise up to 29%? Are you happy with it? Maybe not! I thought that it is just a prediction, but when I saw it on TV news (CNN)yesterday inside the restaurant, they discuss this issue again and this is not a joke because the electric company will surely raise the price. I have heard some customers complained about this matter while I was inside. Majority of them aren’t happy with this result. Lots of people will be affected this problem especially for those who have low income. Poverty, is primary source of legal activity in this country, and we know that. Some states already experienced this problem, and the result create huge disaster to all citizens. This is my prediction , Gas price Hike+ Economic Turmoil = mortality, financial instability, illegal activity, and mental problem. More people suffer psychological problem!
Blog Update: Economic,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Benefits of Oily Skin

Oily skin is one of my problem when I was young. I always feel the greasy sticky liquid on my face. As an active individual, I participated couple of games in school like volleyball and track and filled runner for a year, and its really bothers me a lot because every time I wipe my face after the practice, my white towel turns dark. Not just only that, I also encountered serious problem on my skin, if you have an oily skin, you surely have rough skin, (pimples) acne, and more skin problems. I have tried numerous facial cleanser that time, but unfortunately, non of them really works best on my skin. My father really worried about the skin problem that I had, and he told me that I should stop those cleanser because it won’t control my pimples. The result creates negative outcome to me, it is really emotional exhausted , and it losing my confidence. I felt envy for my school buddies because they have healthy skin, and I don’t. I suffer these problem for long years, and just disappeared when I reach my adulthood. Since then, I really hate for having an oily skin, and I continuously using different cleansing medicine to prevent pimples. However, have you ever know about the benefits of oily skin? I don’t! I just knew this information after I read the article wrote by Louise Forres. The subject is all about beauty secrets, and the author writes about the benefits of oily skin. So here is what he said,
“Whilst most people absolutely hate oily skin, others try and find the positives in it. Believe it or not, there are actually a couple of benefits from having oily skin, even if they do not quite outweigh the negatives!
Oily skin can be a blessing in disguise sometimes, and whilst most of the time it can be a bit of a nightmare, there are some people who are proud of their oily skin . So how exactly can oily skin be a blessing then?
1.A Nice Even Tan
First of all, oily skin tends to tan really evenly. Whilst no tan is safe, if you are going to persist in having a natural one, oily skin really does help to create an even looking tan.
Reduces Ageing:
The main benefit that most people like the idea of however is the fact that oily skin dramatically reduces ageing and it stops wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines dead in their tracks. It has definitely got to be one of natures best kept anti aging secrets!
2.Helps Keep Make up Looking Fresh:
There is nothing worse than applying foundation and around half an hour later it has soaked into the skin and you are left with nasty looking dry, flaky patches all over the face. Luckily with oily skin you never get that problem and in fact, oily skin really helps to keep the foundation looking fresh and your skin looking healthy.
3.It is Easier to Treat Than Dry Skin:
Dry skin can be an absolute nightmare to get rid of, even though it seems like it would be fairly easy. You would think that by using moisturizer every morning and night as well as in intervals during the day, would easily treat your dry skin condition. However, it does not and it can end up being extremely frustrating trying to eliminate it. Oily skin on the other hand is fairly easy to treat and it can often be kept at bay without much hassle.
So, there are plenty of benefits, however as mentioned earlier, the negatives often outweigh the positives. Whilst anti aging may sound fantastic, oily skin can often cause breakouts of pimples and even acne. It attracts dirt and dust which clog up the pores and that is what often causes the outbreaks of acne. Acne causes confidence problems and it can be extremely hard to get rid of so it is always best to treat your skin as quickly as possible.
In order to treat your skin one of the main things to do is to wash with soap, though try and make sure that it is a gentle one suitable for everyday use. Also, it is better to use hot water when washing as this helps to soak up some moisture and it will leave the skin feeling a lot drier.
Try not to wash your face too often and use a moisturizer which is gentle and quite light too. You really do not want to use a thick, creamy moisturizer on your skin as it will only make the condition worse.
There are certain moisturizers designed especially for oily skin, and those are the best ones to go with. Using a mud mask a couple of times a week will also soak up any excess moisture and keep the skin looking clean and fresh.
Overall treating oily skin is easy. It is not always possible to eliminate the condition completely, but it is possible to control it and keep it at bay.
This article completely change my negative perception about oily skin. I rather be thankful for having an oily skin, and should not hate it. Some people uses different types of methods just to obtain the perfect healthy face, whereas me, I naturally have it. Thanks to the author of this article :)
Louise Forres, “ Are There Any Benefits to Having Oily Skin?
Blog Update,
Health and Beauty
Opps News
I just have recieved a call from my friend Mel, as usual, she always give me a call everytime she saw lots of open of in PPP. Well, I am thanking her about it because with out her I could'nt grab new opps from PPP. The last one she called me I have no luck to grab any one of them even it is turning white. I am not really sure whats wrong with those opps anyway. So today, I got one and I am really satisfied with this offer 15 bucks with 100 words :) hehehe not too bad right?
Blog Update,
Opps News
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.
My list wish:
1.Good health for me and my loved ones.
2.To visit Philippines soon.
3.Own a Business
4.Good Career
5.Travel around the world
6.To own house and lot in Philippines :)
7.Oil price down
Bloggers’ Birthday Directory:
| February 18 - Nancy| February 20 - Caryl February 23 - Jammy March 7 - Mari |March 28 - Jaja,Nicotine's World of Fun, April 13 - TERE | May 3 - Vannie | May 8 - joanjoyce | May 27 – Zang Caesar | August 27 - Francine, La Place de Cherie, Cherie | September 1 - Lynn, September 2 - Chikai | | September 30 - Mckhoii | December 18 - JoshuaOngYS | December 19 - Alpha | October 2- Hailey | Novermber 08- Neurogyp
Here's my result:
Name: Berna
Birthday : Novermber 08
Calculations: 08
Grateful for having this TAg passed by Jaja..:) thanks girl I really appreciate it.
I love to pass this tag to my co-bloggers Joy, Anne, Grace , Merydith, Bianca, Janine,and Jana,
Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.
My list wish:
1.Good health for me and my loved ones.
2.To visit Philippines soon.
3.Own a Business
4.Good Career
5.Travel around the world
6.To own house and lot in Philippines :)
7.Oil price down
Bloggers’ Birthday Directory:
| February 18 - Nancy| February 20 - Caryl February 23 - Jammy March 7 - Mari |March 28 - Jaja,Nicotine's World of Fun, April 13 - TERE | May 3 - Vannie | May 8 - joanjoyce | May 27 – Zang Caesar | August 27 - Francine, La Place de Cherie, Cherie | September 1 - Lynn, September 2 - Chikai | | September 30 - Mckhoii | December 18 - JoshuaOngYS | December 19 - Alpha | October 2- Hailey | Novermber 08- Neurogyp
Here's my result:
Name: Berna
Birthday : Novermber 08
Calculations: 08
Grateful for having this TAg passed by Jaja..:) thanks girl I really appreciate it.
I love to pass this tag to my co-bloggers Joy, Anne, Grace , Merydith, Bianca, Janine,and Jana,
Blog Update,
Friday, June 13, 2008
Daily Task
I would like to say thank you for all my co-blogger who takes their time visiting my blog and leaving their message. I know that you guys waiting for me visiting your respected blog, and I will do that a soon as I finished this important things that awaits me...(dishes),and cook. This is my major responsibility as a wife. Anyway, see you later folks..:)
Blog Update,
Daily Journal
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Student Loan
I received a financial loan from one of the major credit bank, it encouraged me to try their offer for a student loan to support my financial in school. As I understand about this method, they offer financial assistance for student who unable to provide their school necessity. They normally handle everything you need for school, taking care all the transaction and so on. The contract would be, you don't worried about to repaying the money borrowed from them, while your stay in school. You can pay them back after 6 months or school ends. They offer competitive interest rates about(0.25%)and if you enough money to pay them all at once, they will give you lower than that. Well, I am not enterested this offer anyway, but I want to compare the benefits of financial aid in the United States and financial situation in my country (Philippines). As an individual who raise in unfortunate family, financial is a "big deal". Achieving your goal is a big relief if you successfully won the battle, if you don't strong enough or gear enough to face every obstacle on your way then you gonna lose your dream. This is the figth between your dream and financial matters. If your parents cannot afford to send you to school, then you have 2 choices its either quite and let your dream vanished nor pursue it and take the stormy road to achieve. In my country, almost 50% of high school graduate student choosing not to proceed in college for many one reason. Of course, financial is primary involve.There is no government agency nor bank that offer special treatment for the student in terms of financial assistant because of the economic instability in my country. Of course, economic termoil due to misleading (Currupt) officials "Ahemmm... Peace". They're unable to make a budget for this, but they can afford to indulge themself using people's money. Well, this is the truth behind the camera and I know it continuesly happen in my country nowadays. GOd Bless Philippines..peace.
Blog Update: Financial
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Early Task

I wasn't expected that I could wake up early today since I went to bed very late last night. I usually sleep like "oil" (an idiom words we call in my language). My husband normally get up early every day, and I don't really notice every time he rise, but this morning he awakes me, but not intentionally. So, get up and offer him a breakfast, he replied I don't need to because he used to buy breakfast outside since I stop preparing his daily breakfast (Sigh). So, what I did to make my day brigther and avoid thinking the guilt, I went to the laundry room wash our dirt clothes, and ironed building of washed clothes that was pending for how many weeks. I didn't completely iron it all, but least its not bad as before. The laundry room looks lighter to me after I removed some of the clothes. The remaining must be finish this weekend I hope.
Blog Update,
Home chores
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My Eyes Wide Open

Its pass 12 am already, and I am still here sitting on the couch, hand-on the computer...My eyes still wide open with out feeling any dorwsiness. I supposedly on my bed right now, my husband already took his long journey, I gues he already reach the 3 stage of sleep, while her wife still continue her task. I just wanted to finished this last opps that took few hours ago, before I put myself into bed. As I recall on my previous post, that I had trouble on my to resubmit my post. I finally, talked to my friend (Mel) then I told her to checked out my post if she saw my widget or not. Unfortunately, she replied "she doesn't seen any widget appears on my post" probably its bot my mistakes because not just only me who encountered this problem. One of my Co-Bloggers also leave me a message on my message box (Joy) she also have the same scenario as mine, and connot figure it out the error. Hopefully Joy and I will get through all this so we could have peace of mind.
Blog Update,
Eyes wide open
Post Error
Today I'm having trouble posting my opps that I took from SS, is there anyone could help me this? Sigh… I tried to resubmit it twice, but I got the same error “post did not contain third party ad tags.” (Ginoo Kaloy-i intawn si inday Berna)I already put tag I guess... at the beginning before my text. Ohh well, if I won’t make today, hope I could catch this opps tomorrow…I have been working hard to finished this opps. Imagine 12 bucks (jud intawn ni usik kaayo). I wish I could talk to Mel, she’s the only one I can run on, every time I encounter this type of problem..
Blog Update,
Blogging scenario
The Philippines Participated The Contest! :)
I have receive an offline message from my previous friend, she send me a link that connects me to the page of live ranking in New 7 Wonders. The New 7 Wonders is created to encourage each countries to participate this global competition to select each popular land mark. The contest this year is participated by 77 countries, and the my own country (Philippines) have selected 3 popular land mark to participate this contest. The Tubbataha Reef, in Sulu, Chocolate Hills in Bohol, and Puerto Princesa in Palawan, and Mayon Volcano in Legaspi City.

"Tubbataha Reef is an atoll coral reef in the Sulu Sea that belongs to the Philippines. It is a marine sanctuary protected as Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park. The reef is composed of two atolls, North and South Reefs. Each reef has a single small islet that protrudes from the water. The atolls are separated by a deep channel 8 kilometers wide. Over one thousand species, including many that are endangered, can be found at on the reef. These include manta rays, lionfish, tortoises, clownfish and sharks."

"The Chocolate Hills is an unusual geological formation in Bohol, Philippines. It is composed of around 1,268 perfectly cone-shaped hills, all about the same size, spread over an area of more than 50 sq km The hills are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season, giving them the name ''Chocolate Hills.''

"The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is located about 50 km north of the city of Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines. It features a limestone karst mountain landscape with an 8.2 km. navigable underground river. A distinguishing feature of the river is that it winds through a cave before flowing directly into the South China Sea. It includes major formations of stalactites and stalagmites, and several large chambers. The lower portion of the river is subject to tidal influences. The underground river is reputed to be the world's longest. At the mouth of the cave, a clear lagoon is framed by ancient trees growing right to the water's edge. Monkeys, large monitor lizards, and squirrels find their niche on the beach near the cave."

"Mayon Volcano is an active volcano on the Filipino island of Luzo, 15 km northwest of Legazpi City.It is classified by volcanologists as a stratovolcano (composite volcano). Its symmetric cone was formed through alternate pyroclastic and lava flows. Mayon is the most active volcano in the country, having erupted over 47 times in the past 400 years, and is a part of what is called the Pacific Ring of Fire."
These are the views that proudly present by the country of the Philippines. I am hopping that we will win the title to be part of the 7 wonders of the world. To all Pilipino bloggers please drop your vote here, lets help our country.Go!..Go!..Philippines! :).
Lisbon, "The New 7 Wonders of The World" Lisbon Purtogal. 07 July, 2007:

"Tubbataha Reef is an atoll coral reef in the Sulu Sea that belongs to the Philippines. It is a marine sanctuary protected as Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park. The reef is composed of two atolls, North and South Reefs. Each reef has a single small islet that protrudes from the water. The atolls are separated by a deep channel 8 kilometers wide. Over one thousand species, including many that are endangered, can be found at on the reef. These include manta rays, lionfish, tortoises, clownfish and sharks."

"The Chocolate Hills is an unusual geological formation in Bohol, Philippines. It is composed of around 1,268 perfectly cone-shaped hills, all about the same size, spread over an area of more than 50 sq km The hills are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season, giving them the name ''Chocolate Hills.''

"The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is located about 50 km north of the city of Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines. It features a limestone karst mountain landscape with an 8.2 km. navigable underground river. A distinguishing feature of the river is that it winds through a cave before flowing directly into the South China Sea. It includes major formations of stalactites and stalagmites, and several large chambers. The lower portion of the river is subject to tidal influences. The underground river is reputed to be the world's longest. At the mouth of the cave, a clear lagoon is framed by ancient trees growing right to the water's edge. Monkeys, large monitor lizards, and squirrels find their niche on the beach near the cave."

"Mayon Volcano is an active volcano on the Filipino island of Luzo, 15 km northwest of Legazpi City.It is classified by volcanologists as a stratovolcano (composite volcano). Its symmetric cone was formed through alternate pyroclastic and lava flows. Mayon is the most active volcano in the country, having erupted over 47 times in the past 400 years, and is a part of what is called the Pacific Ring of Fire."
These are the views that proudly present by the country of the Philippines. I am hopping that we will win the title to be part of the 7 wonders of the world. To all Pilipino bloggers please drop your vote here, lets help our country.Go!..Go!..Philippines! :).
Lisbon, "The New 7 Wonders of The World" Lisbon Purtogal. 07 July, 2007:
Blog Update,
Global News
Monday, June 9, 2008

I thought that the weather in Texas today is bad,that's what we heard this early news in Fox four before we headed to work. So I was expected that we experienced severe weather, strong wind and thunderstorm. I just heard the roared winds blows outside, but never heard strong drops on the ground, rain didn't last that long, means plants aren't happy of the result (lol). However, some of us hate bad weather and some are like rain. Just like me :), but before you againts my claim let me tell you my unselfess reasons. In my opinion, as long as it's not severe that could kill human, that's favorable for my side. Rain can produce negative and positive result. In negative result too much rain creates disaster such as, nasty roads that result in many accidents, floods, and sometime death. On the other hand, there are so many things why I consider rains is very useful. During dry season (summer) we really need enough water that helps to moisture the land, with out rain, there are many possibilities that we can suffer severe drought, hot temperature,cause of illness, and destroy agriculture. So, whichever weather you choose, negative result comes along with it.
Blog Update,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Opps from PPP :)
I know that this is awkward to share this with you, I got a phonecall from my friend Mel awhile ago, informed me that she got one opps from PPP, there is still one more that still on hold. So what I did is directly sign in into my account, and finally grabbed the last one (happy. I am so grateful for having this opps because its been awhile since I got my last opps from PPP, and I feel that I was neglected (lol) (drama kuno)and of course lots of question came into my mind whats going on...Well, now I feel better that my account is active again. Thank you PPP:)
Blog Update,
Blogging scenario
Saturday, June 7, 2008
House Cleaning

Today we do some cleaning outside the house, my husband did the yard work and me doing my usual chores. After we done everything outside, I told my husband to order Pizza for our dinner, maybe it's about 8:00 p.m, too late to cook. So we ordered, dominos pizza. So we ordered half of each flavor; half his favorite and half of vegie for mine. This order takes 30 minutes to be delivered in the house, so what I did is taking my time updating my blog, whereas, my husband watching his favorite comedy series(Two and half Man). After 30 minutes the delivery man was finally arrived, so we start our dinner right away, then later that time I feel wet in a small portion on the carpet, so I asked my husband if he spilled water on it, he replied, "he doesn't". I guessed that there might be a water leak underneath on it, but it's imposible to happen. He search the source of the wet, he lift up the couch then suddenly the unpleasant things emerged :). Dirt that should not be seen lol. After he finalized that there is no leak water underneat the carpet, he took the vacuum and cleaned the whole living room, while her wife busy on her blogging. I feel shy about this things happen because that's supposed to be my job, but I neglected my do my responsibility due to my blogging whaaaaaa shame ..shame on me...
Blog Update,
Daily Journal
The Moment of Truth
I got this wonderful tag from my friend Katie.. Thanks girl I appreciate it!
Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend? If you do, let's try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.
1. This tag should be pass on to your closest friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you've got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her tag post. Be sure to thank her for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag.
1.Katie, Bernie, Yours is next->

Here's your questions: Be Honest and True!
1. How did you meet your husband or boyfriend?
Answer: dating Online (Cherry Blossoms).
2. Where did you went in your first date?
Answer: Pagsanhan falls ( can I consider it as our first date? lol).
3. When was your first intimate kiss?
Answer: May 2005
4. How many girlfriends he had in the past? do you honestly know?
Answer: He can't recall at all hehe, but he had 3 serious relationship including me.
5. What is his ethnicity?
Answer: American
6. What is his favorite food?
Answer: Barbecue and grilled fish.
7. What is he like if he is mad?
Answer: Very quiet
8. What are the things he did you thought is the most romantic thing he'd ever done?
Answer: He always sent me a bounce of flowers when I was in Manila.(kilig)
9. Describe how he proposed to you.
Answer: He proposed me through phone when he knows I recieved the ring he sended to
me that day.
10.When was the first time you argued?
I can't remember the date, but I still remember we argued over one guy.
Congratulation you did it! Now its your turn to put another person in
This is the time to put these person under the hot seat: Blogurl, Rose, Janine, and MarilynKate
Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend? If you do, let's try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.
1. This tag should be pass on to your closest friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you've got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her tag post. Be sure to thank her for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag.
1.Katie, Bernie, Yours is next->

Here's your questions: Be Honest and True!
1. How did you meet your husband or boyfriend?
Answer: dating Online (Cherry Blossoms).
2. Where did you went in your first date?
Answer: Pagsanhan falls ( can I consider it as our first date? lol).
3. When was your first intimate kiss?
Answer: May 2005
4. How many girlfriends he had in the past? do you honestly know?
Answer: He can't recall at all hehe, but he had 3 serious relationship including me.
5. What is his ethnicity?
Answer: American
6. What is his favorite food?
Answer: Barbecue and grilled fish.
7. What is he like if he is mad?
Answer: Very quiet
8. What are the things he did you thought is the most romantic thing he'd ever done?
Answer: He always sent me a bounce of flowers when I was in Manila.(kilig)
9. Describe how he proposed to you.
Answer: He proposed me through phone when he knows I recieved the ring he sended to
me that day.
10.When was the first time you argued?
I can't remember the date, but I still remember we argued over one guy.
Congratulation you did it! Now its your turn to put another person in
This is the time to put these person under the hot seat: Blogurl, Rose, Janine, and MarilynKate
Blog Update,
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Blog Scenario
I have been wondering for many days why I haven’t get any opps from both of my advertisers that I work with. As I recall from my previous month,they offer 2 or 3 opps on my account, but now no more. If I saw available opportunity appears on my account, it suddenly disappear or it says I am not qualified for those opps every time I click for reservation. Is this scenario related to our PR status? Well, if so… I have no PR yet, and still working hard to achieve this goal for now. In fact, I have tried so hard to work on it by signing different sites to help improve my rank. As you can see, my status of traffic moves little by little. Although it is not enough, I am still grateful for the result that I have, and looking forward to maintain it before the class begin.
Blog Update,
Daily experience
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Anatomy of Marriage

As I finished reading the chapter of my psychology book, I saw this last pages on it. This chapter discuss the different types of marriage that will guide you which types of these accommodation stages you are in. It is very interesting subject because it help you understand what the marriage is all about, and somehow recognize the each couple accomplishment.
According to this article, “Each married couple produces its own road map of accommodation, including a unique history of maneuvers that provide continuity throughout the couple’s journey” (Tinnin, A146). These five basic pattern discuss each marital styles you are encourage to relate your self, friends, colleagues, relatives, and celebrity that you observe. So these are the following pattern:
1. Conflict-Habituated
2. Devitalized
3. Passive- Congenial
4. Vital
5. Total
All of these styles discuss different styles of marriage relationship, and I can say that some of them explains the primary cause of divorce, root of conflict, and sort of marriage problems. However, I would say that there is no perfect marriage, but mine I would consider to be in (Total) accommodation, which I understand that fits on my relationship. So, I want to share with you what is the meaning of Total Marriage.
“This marital style is characterize by the spouse’s full and complete absorption in and all life-long activities, needs, and goals of one-another. They achieve a harmony of mutual love and purpose, where they appear to function as “one”. Their mental, physical and emotional energy is directed toward responding to and nurturing the spouse. Little dissonance of conflict in this relationship. When it does occur, they acknowledge it openly and settle it immediately (True)” (Linnin, A150).
Now, I gave you this little information, I hope that this will help you to discover what types of marriage you have.
Tinnin, Joe M."Marriage: A Developmental Process Not a Terminal Event" Essential Of
Psychology.2007 edition:
Blog Update,
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
First And Last
I recieve this tag from my Anne co-bloggers. Thanks for tagging me Anne I appreciate it.
*Start Copy*
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. Supermodel Wannabe 7. FunFierceFabulous 8. Filipino love stories 9. A Mom's Note 10. Tasteful Voyage 11. Ummi Rosma 12. Asian Mutt International 13.Speech-Less 14. Anne Loves Will 15.Neurogyp 16. Bernieinwonderland 17.Your's here next
Now it's my time to share this tag to these following friends: Mel, Maria,and Katie,
* First real job: Office Clerk
* First screen name: Bernie
* First funeral: My mom's funeral (Sigh):( when I was 8 years old.
* First pet:Dove name "Dolly"
* First piercing: My ear.
* First credit card: Visa.
* First kiss: my mother.
* First enemy: Jessica a psychopat woman who live in Manila.
* Last car ride:Yesterday.
* Last kiss: My one and only fafa Robert (kilig).
*Start Copy*
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. Supermodel Wannabe 7. FunFierceFabulous 8. Filipino love stories 9. A Mom's Note 10. Tasteful Voyage 11. Ummi Rosma 12. Asian Mutt International 13.Speech-Less 14. Anne Loves Will 15.Neurogyp 16. Bernieinwonderland 17.Your's here next
Now it's my time to share this tag to these following friends: Mel, Maria,and Katie,
* First real job: Office Clerk
* First screen name: Bernie
* First funeral: My mom's funeral (Sigh):( when I was 8 years old.
* First pet:Dove name "Dolly"
* First piercing: My ear.
* First credit card: Visa.
* First kiss: my mother.
* First enemy: Jessica a psychopat woman who live in Manila.
* Last car ride:Yesterday.
* Last kiss: My one and only fafa Robert (kilig).
Blog Update,
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Hardworking Husband
What a hot day, I felt like I burned my self under the heat of the sun, the temperature is dramatically changed, and every time I sit inside the car I felt like my butt is melting. During winter season I complain when it going to be over, but now my husband heard me complaining he says “ Enjoy this season because you will be feel sorry when summer is over” He knows that I hate winter season although the weather here is not as bad as other states, still I prefer to be warm. Anyway, we finished our day with joy and success. No matter how busy and tired we are today, my husband and I still managed our day by making joke while we droved toward Brookhaven school. This is not our daily route every time we headed back home, he really need to visit the school to return back the contract form that was sent by the school for the incoming summer class. He scheduled to teach photography class every Wednesday (35mm introduction). Actually, he teach 4 types of class 35mm introduction, wedding, portrait, and business photography mostly he handle this class in Richland Community College, and recently got Brookhaven. I am very proud of him because no matter tired he is after work, he still manage himself to look happy and cool. Well, I would say that this profession makes him happy…he really love to teach photography… That’s papa Robert :)
Blog Update,
Today's Subject
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Weekend task

My husband and I was worked the yard today,that's the reason why I have not updating my blog this early or even answered my co-bloggers message. Now we finally finished the task, and have time to return back my blog. I felt a little bit sore on my back and a little bit of headache due to excessive exposed of the sun. Anywway, that all for now, just letting you know what keeps me busy today, and did'nt get any opps...Bokyaa ang lola nyo ngayon :)
Blog Update; Today's Diary
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