Discovery channel once again celebrated the Shark Week featuring the most dangerous creature under the sea. This is the most interesting show that I love to watch on this channel because you can gain knowledge about the behavior of this animals, how they survive, their strength, and introduces different kinds of species.
As watch this documentary title, “The 10 Deadliest Sharks” It frighten me when one of the camera man taking a video of 14 foot tiger shark that wanders around the coast of Hawii who aggressively attack the bird. Hammer Head Sharks, Lemon Shark, Tiger Shark, Bull Sharks, and The great While Sharks are the main subject of this show. Biologist took some DNA test and research about the behavior of this animals. They use a small devices transmitter attach inside and outside the body of the sharks to be able monitor their migration and how far they can travel.
The main purpose of their job is to preserve and get a closer observation about the population of these animals. It is good thing to know, there some people who are dedicated to protect these animals even though they are harmful to human. Conserving them is the main reason why they still exist for millions of years.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Fun Tag
I steal this tag from Mummy Sheng:)
1. Nick-name?
- Bernie
2. Mother's nickname?
- Bernarda
3. What is your favorite drink?
- water,warm tea
4. Tattoos?
- none
5. Piercing?
- both ears
6. How much do you love your job?
- I love it to the max
7. Birthplace:
- Negros Oriental, Philippines
8. Favorite vacation spot? -
- Tagaytay
9. Ever been to Africa ?
- not yet.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner?
- nope
11. Ever been on TV?
- no
12. Ever steal any traffic signs?
- no
13. Ever been in a car accident?
- no, thank God!
14. Was it your fault?
- N/A
15. 2 Doors or 4 Doors?
- 4 doors
16. Salad dressing?
- Not sure
17. Favorite pie?
- Mango Pie
18. Favorite number?
- 13
19. Favorite movies?
- a lot!
20. Favorite holiday?
- Christmas season
21. Favorite dessert?
- icer cream, cake
22. Favorite food?
- too many!
23. Favorite day of the week?
- weekends
24. Favorite brand of Body soap?
- Olay, Dove
25. Favorite TV show!
- lots
26. Favorite smell?
- My kid's natural scent!
27. What do you do to relax?
28. Do you have a message to your friends reading this?
- Try doing this too!
29. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Not sure
30. What do you do when you are bored?
- blog hop, do a bit of shopping, have a coffee somewhere
31. Furthest place you will send this message.
- Probably in Asia and North America.
32. Who will respond the fastest?
- Those who got so much time in hand.
33. Who will LEAST likely respond?
- The busy ones.
I wanna share this tag to everyone:)
1. Nick-name?
- Bernie
2. Mother's nickname?
- Bernarda
3. What is your favorite drink?
- water,warm tea
4. Tattoos?
- none
5. Piercing?
- both ears
6. How much do you love your job?
- I love it to the max
7. Birthplace:
- Negros Oriental, Philippines
8. Favorite vacation spot? -
- Tagaytay
9. Ever been to Africa ?
- not yet.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner?
- nope
11. Ever been on TV?
- no
12. Ever steal any traffic signs?
- no
13. Ever been in a car accident?
- no, thank God!
14. Was it your fault?
- N/A
15. 2 Doors or 4 Doors?
- 4 doors
16. Salad dressing?
- Not sure
17. Favorite pie?
- Mango Pie
18. Favorite number?
- 13
19. Favorite movies?
- a lot!
20. Favorite holiday?
- Christmas season
21. Favorite dessert?
- icer cream, cake
22. Favorite food?
- too many!
23. Favorite day of the week?
- weekends
24. Favorite brand of Body soap?
- Olay, Dove
25. Favorite TV show!
- lots
26. Favorite smell?
- My kid's natural scent!
27. What do you do to relax?
28. Do you have a message to your friends reading this?
- Try doing this too!
29. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Not sure
30. What do you do when you are bored?
- blog hop, do a bit of shopping, have a coffee somewhere
31. Furthest place you will send this message.
- Probably in Asia and North America.
32. Who will respond the fastest?
- Those who got so much time in hand.
33. Who will LEAST likely respond?
- The busy ones.
I wanna share this tag to everyone:)
The Effect of Pain Killers
My day is turn crazy since I have been dealing with my monthly illness. Today it's attacking me again. This is a normal for a woman to have it once in a month. Dysmenohria is a severe pain I encounter during my period. I know that we feel uncomfortable aside from pain, it's sometime come along with constipation and constant release of feces,cold sweat and more. Yes, this what I have experience sometimes, that’s is why it is difficult for me to figure it out which one is really hurts bad.
Some medical experts offer the quickest tips to ease the intense pain we feel. One of their recommendation is to take pain killer pills. I know that some of us are knowledgeable enough what circumstances we might encounter in taking pills. Pills can produce psychological dependence. Our body chemistry changes as the result of repeated use of drugs so that the body comes to depend on having a steady supply of the drug. When physiologically dependent people abruptly stop their drug use, they may experience a cluster of unpleasant and sometime dangerous symptoms called a Withdrawal Syndrome- another frequent sign of physiological dependence is Tolerance- the need to increase the amount of a drug to obtain the same effect.
I am sure that some of us are knowledgeable enough the side effect of pain killers. This small and powerful pill offers immediate relief, but it also offer negative effect to our body if we abuse it.
Some medical experts offer the quickest tips to ease the intense pain we feel. One of their recommendation is to take pain killer pills. I know that some of us are knowledgeable enough what circumstances we might encounter in taking pills. Pills can produce psychological dependence. Our body chemistry changes as the result of repeated use of drugs so that the body comes to depend on having a steady supply of the drug. When physiologically dependent people abruptly stop their drug use, they may experience a cluster of unpleasant and sometime dangerous symptoms called a Withdrawal Syndrome- another frequent sign of physiological dependence is Tolerance- the need to increase the amount of a drug to obtain the same effect.
I am sure that some of us are knowledgeable enough the side effect of pain killers. This small and powerful pill offers immediate relief, but it also offer negative effect to our body if we abuse it.
Women's Health
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I Broke My Promise
My online business was set aside for today, when I got a wake-up call this morning from my friend Lilian. She informed me that she finally free from her therapy, so it means that she’s free to go anywhere since she doesn’t have any important appointment at this moment. She discussed me about her first move to do after the long time of resting. So today, we visited the agency that she talked before, our plan is to hunt a job, and I think that this is great time to go since I am free at work. After asking some question to the person who in charge for recruitment, we left at the building, and landed at Rose store (lol). I am glad that I still have enough money on my wallet, I am not well prepared to buy anything since I just have few bucks on my wallet yay! So, I try myself to behave that time, and ignore the stuff that caught my eyes. My hands keeps kicking out on my packet just to reach out the decoration that looks perfect for my coffee table. Ahemmm my hands like an eagle that can’t avoid to ignore a predator. Anyway, we got out from the store with two bags on my hands. I brooked my promise not to buy anything if it’s not too important. Next time I just make sure to bring just enough cash for food to avoid spend my money lol.
Daily living,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gaining Weight
My day is went well today, we get out from work at exactly 5:00 p.m. No overtime (lol). My husband and I drove our way back home. I remind him once again about his promise to drive me to the closest Mall (Firewheel Mall) to buy some clothes that I need for my work and so on. We went to Papaya store, I’m sure some of my fellow kababayan, knows this clothing store here in the United States. This is one of my favorite store to shop since they sell wide choices of clothing that fits perfectly on my taste and style, and very affordable as well. This is a perfect timing to shop since weekdays is not crazy as weekend, only few people come inside the store, and the fitting is not full. You don’t need to wait the freaking long line to fit your clothes. Well, I become impatient when it come to this matter just like my husband (lol). Anyway, I picked 5 pants and 5 blouses and directly headed to fitting room to try it. I was totally disappointed when I found out that the size that I normally wear before won’t fit at all (1 or 0) darn! Gaining weight (sigh) Yes! I am… this is the evidence of my uncontrolled behavior in eating with no mercy. Wow… a record breaking history on my life hehehe. Just imagine I am size 3 now Yay! This is the size that’s fit for me, I feel embarrass to my husband because I always ignore what he said. I already know some of my pants is tight, and it feels uncomfort, sometime my belly mag bouncing-bouncing na or say hello every time I sit (bantog rang lisod nako gakinhawa usahay human ug kaon) hmmm kalooy ni lola Berna oizzz. Anyway, I am not stress at all in finding out about gaining my weight too much. I just need to slow down… avoid eating excess food, and most off all self discipline in order to kick this bad habit.
Daily Journal
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Adobo; My First Experiment
As I mentioned on my previous entry about cooking, I am sure that some of you have read it. Well, cooking is not that easy job isn’t it? Because you have to make sure that you perfectly blend the ingredients you need for the menu you love to cook for your family. I experience not totally humiliation, but I can feel that it’s not really perfect made although my husband don’t say anything about it.
One afternoon, one thing suddenly pops-up on my head. This food is absolutely yummy if you made it perfectly, but it’s going to be a disaster if you made it wrong (lol). I don’t really trust my instinct when it comes to food experiment. I took an hour looking for this menu (Adobo) for Filipino recipe online, and I found the site that give me the easiest ingredients that I need for this menu.
I start mixing thing, while my finger cross hehehe. I just follow the intruction they give and cook it for an hour. Well, I cant believe that I finally made it perfectly for the first time. Yes! My husband love it, and I told him this is my first experiment in making adobo. So, that time my confidence kicking back again, and I believe that if you stay focus on what you did, you will be able to achieve your goal.
(Here’s my menu that I took from Filipino Recipe. I hope you enjoy it.)
Ingredients :
· 1-1/2 lb. pork, cut into serving pieces
· 3 cloves garlic, crushed
· 1/3 cup vinegar
· 3 tbsp. soy sauce
· 1 bay leaf
· salt to taste
· 1/4 tsp. pepper or 1 tsp. peppercorns
· 1 tbsp. sugar (optional)
· 1/2 cup water
· oil, for frying
(Measurement Guides)
Cooking Procedures :
1. Combine all ingredients in a big pot except the oil and let stand for at least 30 minutes.
2. Place pot over medium heat and bring to a boil.
3. Lower the heat and simmer covered until meat is tender for about an hour (checking occasionally for the water not to get dry, just add a little water each time you see its almost dry up). You may adjust the seasoning according to your taste and liking. Drain and reserve sauce. Set aside.
4. Meanwhile, heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Fry the meat until lightly brown on all sides. Set aside and keep warm.
5. Pour off all remaining oil from the pan. Pour in back the meat and reserve sauce. Mix for about a few minutes while scraping up the bits on the bottom of pan.
6. Remove from heat. Serve hot.
All Favorite Recipe,"ADOBO"
One afternoon, one thing suddenly pops-up on my head. This food is absolutely yummy if you made it perfectly, but it’s going to be a disaster if you made it wrong (lol). I don’t really trust my instinct when it comes to food experiment. I took an hour looking for this menu (Adobo) for Filipino recipe online, and I found the site that give me the easiest ingredients that I need for this menu.
I start mixing thing, while my finger cross hehehe. I just follow the intruction they give and cook it for an hour. Well, I cant believe that I finally made it perfectly for the first time. Yes! My husband love it, and I told him this is my first experiment in making adobo. So, that time my confidence kicking back again, and I believe that if you stay focus on what you did, you will be able to achieve your goal.
(Here’s my menu that I took from Filipino Recipe. I hope you enjoy it.)
Ingredients :
· 1-1/2 lb. pork, cut into serving pieces
· 3 cloves garlic, crushed
· 1/3 cup vinegar
· 3 tbsp. soy sauce
· 1 bay leaf
· salt to taste
· 1/4 tsp. pepper or 1 tsp. peppercorns
· 1 tbsp. sugar (optional)
· 1/2 cup water
· oil, for frying
(Measurement Guides)
Cooking Procedures :
1. Combine all ingredients in a big pot except the oil and let stand for at least 30 minutes.
2. Place pot over medium heat and bring to a boil.
3. Lower the heat and simmer covered until meat is tender for about an hour (checking occasionally for the water not to get dry, just add a little water each time you see its almost dry up). You may adjust the seasoning according to your taste and liking. Drain and reserve sauce. Set aside.
4. Meanwhile, heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Fry the meat until lightly brown on all sides. Set aside and keep warm.
5. Pour off all remaining oil from the pan. Pour in back the meat and reserve sauce. Mix for about a few minutes while scraping up the bits on the bottom of pan.
6. Remove from heat. Serve hot.
All Favorite Recipe,"ADOBO"
Daily living,
Filipino Foods,
Filipino Recipe
Wrong Info
It was a crazy day, my husband and I wake-up early today for another photo shoot. It is another tournament that held in a country club near in Dallas downtown. We are not taking our meal this morning because my husband is get hurried and not to be late for the set-up for his stuff, preparing things that he need for the group and individual shoot. I would say that setting this up require a lot of time, and patience. You have to make sure everything is ready and go especially preparing the meter, flashes, tripod, battery, filter lenses and the most important is camera. My husband is already prepared this last night, but setting-up in other places is different. We arrived at the place where the tournament was held, my husband was looking for the person who is in charge for photo shoot event. Few minutes later he come back and tell that the person he suppose to met is not around. The security guard help him to look for this person, but this guy can’t give him enough information since today is his first duty (new hired) So, my husband looking for this person for the entire place, whereas me waiting on the car, hungry and sleepy (lol).We stayed there for one hour hoping this person to come, unfortunately nothing. We finally got the information and my husband was surprise when she said that the photo shoot suppose to be schedule tomorrow (Good Lord) we got the wrong info from the person who contacted my hussband to do this job. Ay yay yay… We ended up looking cars instead, so we headed home exhausted and hungry.
Everyday Living,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
PR Update
As I have chatted my two friends Kat and Mel, I could feel how happy they are when they finally achieved their goal for having a PageRank in Google. It’s sad to say, that some of us are not lucky to have PR, heheheh will I am one of them, but I already know the procedure how to achieve this goal, since I have one active page which contain lots of paid post, I have nothing to expect (wink). The tension is still going on for those who expected their PR and losing their PR. I am sure lots of blogger’s are sitting on the corner feel sorry for losing their PR that is taken by Google. Kat (PR2) and Mel (PR3) are one of those blogger’s who are lucky in getting their page up. I still recall the time when Kat and I first enter on this type of business, we always had bad time experience exchanging link to those who are on the top. I didn’t say majority of them, but some of them, and I can still remember who they are. For those who got their PR today enjoy your time folks, but never ever abuse it, use your PR page wisely and to those who haven’t, cheers! Heheheh no hurt feelings. Just enjoy taking oppsJ
Saturday Alone
I am here sitting alone watching TV while my hands working on my computer. This is normal routine we did if we're alone at home. Weekend is suppose to be our rest day from the long days at work, but for me, this is a great to work on things a home. Well, my husband was out today for the tournament photoshot (bowling)I told him to go with him, but this morning I suddenly change my mind when I saw my mountain dirty clothes on the loundry room...Good Lord were out of towel :)shame on me. Anyway, this is a perfect time to got this job done , since my husband is gone for awhile. Happy weekend everyone.
Daily Journal
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My Big Sister's Advice
Cooking is not really my line ever since when I was a single. That’s the reason why my sister always telling me to look at her when she cook food for her family. Well, I am not living with my sister when I was in Manila, but my apartment is just few steps away she lives, so there no reason why I can’t join her cooking the food. Well, there some certain things that keeps us away for doing this, and for busy at work is the first reason why I never had a chance to cook even my own food. I just knew a very simple and quick process like fried fish, nilagang bangus, and fried rice (lol). Don’t blame me because this is the only way I could do better during my hectic life. Just Imagine I am working 8 hours a day and sometime 9 if its necessary. Excuses..excuses..excuses the bottom line is I have my sister to provide my food to eat and also fast food is quick to access (lol). I just give her money to buy the ingredients that we need for dinner. Anyway, this a constant battle when I move here in the United States. before I left the country, my sister always asked me “ What kind of food are you going to cook for your husband” The answer is, “ I don’t know”. The quickest answer to her question (Sigh). So, here I am alone no big sister to run to assist me when I need her. I miss my sister very much, she always give me a advice when it comes to this matter. She gave lots of recipe, I try to cook most of them , but only few of them are successful (lol) sometime its salty hehehe. Well, it’s necessary to listen your big sister all the time, that’s the only things that I can give for youngest child of the family (like mhe). Don’t ignore them because in the future, you will be benefited all the advice they give you.
Everyday Living,
Today's Journal
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Boring Day
Ohh... it was sunny and humid day in Texas. My friend was called me ask if I am available. Well, since I am not busy for my online business I said not, since I got one opps today. Lilian was asking me to go out today going to the Filipino restaurant 20 miles away from here. So, I guess this is now my chance to go there once again. I have been asking her before when we're be able to go there, but since she very well occupied for the last few months, I just wait for her signal whenever shes's available. Lilian and I always drive to this place buying some filipino food and also my shampoo(vaseline)and soap (papaya). To tell you the truth, I still use this shampoo and soap here in the United States. I can't blame my self for this because I already try different brands just to find out the right one for my hair, but I am really disappointed that fact that they have the same effect. My hair falls all the time, and its dry, so the result, is very upsetting. When my friend brought me to the store, I am happy when I found out that they sell these stuff. I bought 5 bottle of shampoo I don't really mind the soap because I can buy it in Hongkong Market. well, I am glad that Lilian called me today.
Daily Journal
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Foodies Talk
I have been tag with my friend Mel, thank you girl for the Tag.
1. Chicken sa McDo, Jollibee, or KFC?
2. Pepsi, Coke, or rootbeer?
- Can I choose water?
3. Greenwich, Pizza Hut, or Yellow Cab?
- Greenwich
4. Adobo, sinigang, or nilaga?
- Adobo
5. Beef, pork, or chicken?
- Pork
6. Starbucks, Coffee bean and tea leaf, or Gloria Jean’s?
- Starbucks and Tea. wink!
7. Cornflakes, Honey Stars, or Milo cereal?
- Honey Stars Ohh..
8. Goldilocks or Red Ribbon?
- Red Ribbon
9. Tokyo Tokyo, Teriyaki Boy or Rai Rai Ken?
- Teriyaki Boy
10. Take Out or Dine In?
- Both!
Food make everyone starve especially Filipino menu, I am craving this for so long. Anyway, I want to let these people drip their laway imagining this food :) hek..hek..hek.. Joy, Rose, and Kate
1. Chicken sa McDo, Jollibee, or KFC?
2. Pepsi, Coke, or rootbeer?
- Can I choose water?
3. Greenwich, Pizza Hut, or Yellow Cab?
- Greenwich
4. Adobo, sinigang, or nilaga?
- Adobo
5. Beef, pork, or chicken?
- Pork
6. Starbucks, Coffee bean and tea leaf, or Gloria Jean’s?
- Starbucks and Tea. wink!
7. Cornflakes, Honey Stars, or Milo cereal?
- Honey Stars Ohh..
8. Goldilocks or Red Ribbon?
- Red Ribbon
9. Tokyo Tokyo, Teriyaki Boy or Rai Rai Ken?
- Teriyaki Boy
10. Take Out or Dine In?
- Both!
Food make everyone starve especially Filipino menu, I am craving this for so long. Anyway, I want to let these people drip their laway imagining this food :) hek..hek..hek.. Joy, Rose, and Kate
Monday, July 21, 2008
Lock Up Abroad; The Story of Gracia And Martin Burnham
I keep on changing the TV channel at this moment, looking for interesting show on TV. I was amazed when I saw the show title “ Lock Up Abroad” this is a documentary that illustrate people’s frightening experience during their stay in abroad. I have seen some of these episode, but tonight’s episode really interest me. I am sure most of the Filipino people still remember the news about the two American Missionary that was abducted by the Islamic extremist in Mindanao the Abu sayyaf. We already know that this group have strong connection to the fierce and notorious terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.
Gracia Burnham the wife of late martin Burnham, tells their horrible experience during their captivity of Abu Sayyaf. Their romantuc vacation turn to hell when this group suddenly appear in Dos Palmas beach and took them to Mindanao as a hostage for ransom. This is generally the way for this group to kidnap people especially foreigner to demand million of dollars to the family.
As the story went by, I can’t hold my emotion, then suddenly the liquid drip down into my both cheeks. I cried, and was carried away by the story of Gracia Burnharm. I could really imagine how difficult it is when you are fighting between life and death in the middle of nowhere. After 365 days of captivity, Gracia finally released not in ransom process, she was rescued in the middle of the battle between the terrorist and the Philippine Military. She was wounded that time, whereas her husband was shot and didn't survive. She return to the United States alone, and once again acquainted with her family with out her husband. She wrote her books title “ In The Presence Of My Enemies” This book contain words that make you laugh ,cry, and spiritual revelation.
Gracia Burnham the wife of late martin Burnham, tells their horrible experience during their captivity of Abu Sayyaf. Their romantuc vacation turn to hell when this group suddenly appear in Dos Palmas beach and took them to Mindanao as a hostage for ransom. This is generally the way for this group to kidnap people especially foreigner to demand million of dollars to the family.
As the story went by, I can’t hold my emotion, then suddenly the liquid drip down into my both cheeks. I cried, and was carried away by the story of Gracia Burnharm. I could really imagine how difficult it is when you are fighting between life and death in the middle of nowhere. After 365 days of captivity, Gracia finally released not in ransom process, she was rescued in the middle of the battle between the terrorist and the Philippine Military. She was wounded that time, whereas her husband was shot and didn't survive. She return to the United States alone, and once again acquainted with her family with out her husband. She wrote her books title “ In The Presence Of My Enemies” This book contain words that make you laugh ,cry, and spiritual revelation.
Spiritual Revalation
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Saturday Break
Wow… I can’t believe that I would got one day break from my part time job (PPP) today. Well, it’s been so long now that I haven’t enough time to spend my time during weekend with my husband. My life is turn around in catching opps in PPP and SS even in weekdays. Today is the day that we should call a break from catching opps since PPP and SS slowing down giving out of opportunity, I am sure that some of my fellow bloggers were wondering this rare occurrence in both site, but for me, this is a nice break. This is perfect time to help my husband on his weekend chores ( not mowing it’s too much for me We spent the rest of the day outside the house, and get back inside to get ready for our date. I really miss this day spending my time with my husband since I am busy on my online business, it’s a wonderful feeling to be on his side once again.
Daily Journal
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Props in SS are Gone
Ohhhhh boy, I was checking my socialspark account today, and I saw that the number of my props that I received from my fellow bloggers including my website props are gone. Pastilan, what’s happening ba oi! My hard work of my props are gone…everything is gone (Sigh) I have been working with it just to achieved my goal to get a higher props, but now no more. I need to start all over again L. I also checked some profile if they have the same thing like mine. Well, majority of them also have zero props, I have no idea what’s going on here, but I am still hoping that my score will appear again.
My Journal
Boring Page
I am still here in front of my computer, just surfing and searching whats the possible way to improve my page. Hay... its requires a lot of hardwork and amount of time before you succesfully made the page you want. Unfortunately, I didnt! at this moment because I worried about some sort of things that could possibly the source of some page trouble, and I won't let it happen. Maybe it's good idea to ask some expert advice regarding this matter.
My friends Mel and Kat was planning to change thier page, and I think that's a good idea to change the design of my page sometimes for a change naman. I have been using mine for 4 months ago, and its kind of boring. Hopefull I will be able to change it soon.
My friends Mel and Kat was planning to change thier page, and I think that's a good idea to change the design of my page sometimes for a change naman. I have been using mine for 4 months ago, and its kind of boring. Hopefull I will be able to change it soon.
Blog Update,
Interrogate Me
I have been Tagged by my friend Mel, thank you so much. Although this is a little bit long to answer, hope that I answer it correctly, and forgive me if I refuse to answer some these question. Peace!
:: 17 July 2008
:: 10:26am
:: Yes, Marissa's House in Rowlette.
:: Picking up my candle holder.
:: Around sweet 30's
:: What do you think?
:: Papa, Mama
:: Nope, youngest :)
:: Malls
:: Yes
:: Yes.
:: Happily Married
:: of course my husband
:: Maybe
:: When my boss tells me I did an excellent job.
:: Nope
:: I love Brad Pitt
18. WOULD U LIKE TO MEET Josh Hartnett?
:: Hmmmm...
19. Where do u think your best friend is?
:: In Phil, U.A.E, and USA.
:: Monday
:: I dont think so
:: Car (lol)
:: Hybrid Car
:: Hmmmmm...
:: Yes.
:: Nope
:: Good Lord, No!
:: 2
:: Opps Task yes, and house chores
:: Yes
:: Yes
:: I am not Sure where
I would like to pass this Tag to Joy, Anne,and Rose
:: 17 July 2008
:: 10:26am
:: Yes, Marissa's House in Rowlette.
:: Picking up my candle holder.
:: Around sweet 30's
:: What do you think?
:: Papa, Mama
:: Nope, youngest :)
:: Malls
:: Yes
:: Yes.
:: Happily Married
:: of course my husband
:: Maybe
:: When my boss tells me I did an excellent job.
:: Nope
:: I love Brad Pitt
18. WOULD U LIKE TO MEET Josh Hartnett?
:: Hmmmm...
19. Where do u think your best friend is?
:: In Phil, U.A.E, and USA.
:: Monday
:: I dont think so
:: Car (lol)
:: Hybrid Car
:: Hmmmmm...
:: Yes.
:: Nope
:: Good Lord, No!
:: 2
:: Opps Task yes, and house chores
:: Yes
:: Yes
:: I am not Sure where
I would like to pass this Tag to Joy, Anne,and Rose
Blog Update: Tagging,
Social Connection
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Gone Out Later
Today is not as good as yesterday, my friend and I got nothing in SS, but fortunately we got one the same opps in PPP. Thanks God we’re not zero for our hunting for today, I am so grateful for this anyway, at least we got one rather than nothing, not too bad at all. One is enough I guess since I am not around at home later this afternoon. My friend Lilian and I going back to Marissa’s house for one more round furniture hunting. As I recall on my last post, she will be moved in Virginia soon, and today would be the last day of our meeting. It sad to say that we were not able to make her a farewell party because she has been busy for all day, since she is working in her salon, she needs to keep her customer inform about her last day of service. I am gonna miss her for sure. Sayang di ako nagpapagupit! lol
Daily Journal
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back Ache
It is almost 11 o clock here, I am still here in fron of my computer dropping my cards to my co-blogger site. Well, it is the perfect timing to visit others site since there's no opps open in PPP and SS. I am well occupied during day time, but not at this time. So, I spend my remaining time to drop cards. I feel a little bit tired today, for long hours staying in the computer, and sitting for too long. Sitting for long period of time is bad,it can affect our back bones. If you feel something unsual on your back or back ache that would be the effect of long sitting. Well, to prevent the occurance of this health problem, we better monitor how long we spend in front of the computer. Take a break then lay down on the couch, take a deep breath or stretch-out your body.
Helpful Tips
Keeping our food in good condition is a lot of hard work. People tried lots of ways just to be able to keep their food longer and not waste. As a new married, I am still on the process of learning things in terms of keeping the household perfectly especially foods. I don’t want to waste food because each piece I throw on the garbage is pain my husband wallet. I want to make sure every things that we spend from my husband money is well preserve, and still useful.
As I receive the family Cook Book fro the Family Reunion 2 years ago, I remember the helpful tips that writer applied for her own household. I think that it is a good idea to share it with you.
Helpful Hints:
1. To refinish antiques or revitalize woods, use equal parts of linseed oil, white
vinegar, and turpentine. Rub into the furniture or wood with a soft cloth and
lots of elbow grease.
2. To stop the ants in your pantry, seal off the crack where they are entering with
putty or petroleum jelly. Also, try sprinkling red pepper on floors and counter
3. To fix sticking sliding doors, windows, and drawers, rub wax along their tracks.
4. To make a simple polish for copper bottom cookware, mix equal parts of flour and
salt with vinegar to create a paste. Store the paste in the refrigerator.
5. Applying baking soda on a damp sponge will remove starch deposits from an iron.
Make sure the iron is cold and unplugged.
6. Remove state odors in the wash by adding baking soda.
7. To clean Teflon, combine 1 cups water, 2 tablespoon baking soda, and ½ cup
bleach. Boil in stained pan for 5 to 10 minutes or until the stain disappears.
Wash,rinse, and condition with oil before using the pan again.
8. Corning Ware can be cleaned by filling it with water and dropping in two denture
cleansing tablets. Let stand for 30 to 45 minutes.
I hope that these tips will help you to maintain the your home free from insects as well as keeping you’re your food in safe and clean.
Note: Special Acknowledge to the writer who writes this original content.
As I receive the family Cook Book fro the Family Reunion 2 years ago, I remember the helpful tips that writer applied for her own household. I think that it is a good idea to share it with you.
Helpful Hints:
1. To refinish antiques or revitalize woods, use equal parts of linseed oil, white
vinegar, and turpentine. Rub into the furniture or wood with a soft cloth and
lots of elbow grease.
2. To stop the ants in your pantry, seal off the crack where they are entering with
putty or petroleum jelly. Also, try sprinkling red pepper on floors and counter
3. To fix sticking sliding doors, windows, and drawers, rub wax along their tracks.
4. To make a simple polish for copper bottom cookware, mix equal parts of flour and
salt with vinegar to create a paste. Store the paste in the refrigerator.
5. Applying baking soda on a damp sponge will remove starch deposits from an iron.
Make sure the iron is cold and unplugged.
6. Remove state odors in the wash by adding baking soda.
7. To clean Teflon, combine 1 cups water, 2 tablespoon baking soda, and ½ cup
bleach. Boil in stained pan for 5 to 10 minutes or until the stain disappears.
Wash,rinse, and condition with oil before using the pan again.
8. Corning Ware can be cleaned by filling it with water and dropping in two denture
cleansing tablets. Let stand for 30 to 45 minutes.
I hope that these tips will help you to maintain the your home free from insects as well as keeping you’re your food in safe and clean.
Note: Special Acknowledge to the writer who writes this original content.
Everyday Living,
Family Gathering
Family reunion is the annual celebration that we always attend. This family gathering is usually held in Texarkana, Texas. All Simmon’s family from the old to new generations are normally attend this family event. Each family bring their each specialties to let the rest of the family taste their creation. If the majority of the family likes the taste then, his/her recipe will be included to the Simmons’s cook book. In fact, the first time I attend this event, I received one cook book from the family’s recipe. This food originated from the first generation up to the second generation. The reason why they keep this recipe alive is to acknowledge the original person who have started to write her own recipe. Her family and passion of cooking motivates her to create her own recipe. I would say that her effort is paid for because until today she will be remember by the new generation. Using this recipe will be the perfect ingredients to satisfied my family and the family of my own children. There is no question why family Simmons are very closed to each other, family reunion is the key to introduced the new member and say goodbye to those who died.
Family Event
Looking Back Time
I would say, that I am very fortunate to have a wonderful second family in the United States. Before I get here, I always thought negative aspect about my relation between in-laws, since my husband and I raise in different culture, and religion. This is usual scenario for sure, for every woman who married to a foreigner. Sometime we feel weak and stress out for too much worry, and sometime we consider our self as incompatible partner to them, but when the heart defeats our mind, everything is disappear.
The day I met my in-laws, I feel very uncomfort. My husband always tells me to “calm down and relax, my parents wont harm you” (lol). I consider myself as a strong person, but when it comes to this matter, my fighting spirit melts down (yay!). Anyhow, my negative expectation is gone when I finally know them, they are very nice people. I am officially part of this wonderful family when my husband and I got married last July 29... Ohh.. Well, time gone so fast, I already married for two years, my husband and I will celebrates our 2nd wedding anniversary soon! Ding…dong…ding…dong… As I recall we have simple and memorable ceremony. My sister-in-law, brother-in-law, mom and dad, and all the Simmons family are there to witness our special day. Carol, Caleb ( my husband niece and nephew) two wonderful cute kids is there too (they are smart and adorable children of his brother) Colleen and her Mom (thanks to them) they made the bride’s and groom’s cake and also the setting up the reception area. Everything is perfectly design by Colleen’s mother. Also thanks to our photography Debohra ( my husband friends) she’s a professional photographer and a teacher. I wrote all these experience because I think that it is important to look back our memories, sooner or later this information will be discarded in our memory when get old. We refuse to retrieve the whole information we have in our mind.
The day I met my in-laws, I feel very uncomfort. My husband always tells me to “calm down and relax, my parents wont harm you” (lol). I consider myself as a strong person, but when it comes to this matter, my fighting spirit melts down (yay!). Anyhow, my negative expectation is gone when I finally know them, they are very nice people. I am officially part of this wonderful family when my husband and I got married last July 29... Ohh.. Well, time gone so fast, I already married for two years, my husband and I will celebrates our 2nd wedding anniversary soon! Ding…dong…ding…dong… As I recall we have simple and memorable ceremony. My sister-in-law, brother-in-law, mom and dad, and all the Simmons family are there to witness our special day. Carol, Caleb ( my husband niece and nephew) two wonderful cute kids is there too (they are smart and adorable children of his brother) Colleen and her Mom (thanks to them) they made the bride’s and groom’s cake and also the setting up the reception area. Everything is perfectly design by Colleen’s mother. Also thanks to our photography Debohra ( my husband friends) she’s a professional photographer and a teacher. I wrote all these experience because I think that it is important to look back our memories, sooner or later this information will be discarded in our memory when get old. We refuse to retrieve the whole information we have in our mind.
Personal Experience
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tomorrow will be the day that I wont be able to be here updating my page. Monday, is my schedule to report at work. As usual I am not going to visit some of my co-blogger’s site to drop my EC or leave them a message. I always miss this job, but I love my other job of course. It is wonderful feeling if you have two job that support your personal necessity, and I am very thankful for having it both. I consider myself that I am bless since it is difficult to find a job here in the United Sates. Opportunity is not always open for you, if you are new immigrant on this country. Your career experience have a slim chances to be accepted here, no matter what it is. You still starts at the beginning, and how much more if you doesn’t have any experience at all? Hmmmm very difficult. Employment is the first thing you have to deal with here. Therefore, I embrace what I have, love what I do,and enjoy it.
Life Experiences,
The Result of Blogging
Blogging is crazy and addicted. Too much exposure in computer also harmful to your health. I have been in blogging business for 3 months now, fortunately is turns good to me because I earn extra money and improving my grammar at the same time. The benefits of blogging helps me a lot to improve my skills in writing.
Meanwhile, updating inside your blog requires a lot of effort, patients, and very exhausted. Too much thinking is create stress, and I thought at first that is just easy. This job is competition, you have to compete thousands of bloggers around the world. Maintainance, update, and learning new strategy to maintain your traffic high is stressful, but this is the right way to do in order to get on the top. If you aim to get the highest rank, then you need to work hard with it.
Pushing my self into the limit is too much for me, for that reason, I found out lately that I feel something wrong on my hands. Well, this is not serious, but it go through that way if I ignore it. I don’t want to abuse my health because it turns bad in the future If I wont slow down.The best way is slowwwwwwwwwwww downnnnnnnn, and take a breakkkk...
Meanwhile, updating inside your blog requires a lot of effort, patients, and very exhausted. Too much thinking is create stress, and I thought at first that is just easy. This job is competition, you have to compete thousands of bloggers around the world. Maintainance, update, and learning new strategy to maintain your traffic high is stressful, but this is the right way to do in order to get on the top. If you aim to get the highest rank, then you need to work hard with it.
Pushing my self into the limit is too much for me, for that reason, I found out lately that I feel something wrong on my hands. Well, this is not serious, but it go through that way if I ignore it. I don’t want to abuse my health because it turns bad in the future If I wont slow down.The best way is slowwwwwwwwwwww downnnnnnnn, and take a breakkkk...
Blog Update,
Barbeque For Lunch
I take a break for an hour to make our lunch for today. I already gathered my ingredients yesterday, marinated the pork, preparing vegetable, and more. I started to set a fire after I made my first opps today, I thoughts it takes a lot of time to me since I use charcoal, but its not. The meat cooked very quick since it was marinated with venigar. I read the article one time that venigar helps to make the meat soft. So, you dont need to overcook the meat. In fact it also add more taste on it, and the result of my barbique is perfect. Its not overcook, very juicy, and tender. Kaya sarap to the bones:)
Daily Journal,
Digging Money Underground
Real TV series is one of my favorite to watch, This is a non scripted show that is monitor 24 hours a day, Everything they do was caught on camera on live. Cable connection provide viewers lots of actuality show, one of this is “Black Gold” this is the reality TV series about the Texas oil-rig Workers. This series shows the process of digging down the ground to reach the area where the oil is found. I can feel how difficult it is working on this type of job, it requires a lot of patient, very exhausted, time consuming, and risky. When it comes safety matter, workers doesn’t have enough protected gear to protect themselves from accident aside helmet. Small mistake on this operation creates disaster to all, and can be deadly as at the same time. When the system is down, you can feel the tension around the filled, each member should work together in order to make this project done with in 30 days.
This million dollars business equipped by a high tech tools. Workers we’re depend on the quality of the equipments. The pressure is on if there’s something wrong on the pipe that connects underground. The computer monitor if the pipes connects perfectly, if not it stop. If this scenario occurs, workers needs to pull all the pipes at the bottom and change the defect one. Pulling all the pipes at the bottom is risky, exhausted, and time consuming because they need remove hundreds of pipes, underground, just imagine they dig up to hundreds of miles from the ground.
Searching oil requires a lot of effort, but if they made it successfully, workers can enjoy the fruitful of their effort. Money is easy on this job, every member can earn thousands of dollars with in 30 days of hard work.
This million dollars business equipped by a high tech tools. Workers we’re depend on the quality of the equipments. The pressure is on if there’s something wrong on the pipe that connects underground. The computer monitor if the pipes connects perfectly, if not it stop. If this scenario occurs, workers needs to pull all the pipes at the bottom and change the defect one. Pulling all the pipes at the bottom is risky, exhausted, and time consuming because they need remove hundreds of pipes, underground, just imagine they dig up to hundreds of miles from the ground.
Searching oil requires a lot of effort, but if they made it successfully, workers can enjoy the fruitful of their effort. Money is easy on this job, every member can earn thousands of dollars with in 30 days of hard work.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Tag For Four
I grab this tag from Mel thanks girl!
What you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…Click copy/paste, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 4 people in your lists!
(A) Four places I go over and over:
Living Room
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
My Sister
(C) Four of my favorite places to eat?
Apple Bee's
Shabu-Shabu Restaurant
(D) Four places you’d rather be?
New York
E) Four people I think will respond:
(F) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:
History Channel
Animal Planet
I would like to pass this tag to JOy,KateLove, GreenRose, and Anne
What you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…Click copy/paste, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 4 people in your lists!
(A) Four places I go over and over:
Living Room
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
My Sister
(C) Four of my favorite places to eat?
Apple Bee's
Shabu-Shabu Restaurant
(D) Four places you’d rather be?
New York
E) Four people I think will respond:
(F) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:
History Channel
Animal Planet
I would like to pass this tag to JOy,KateLove, GreenRose, and Anne
Blog Update: Tagging,
Bogger's Community
Raising Kids
Raising children is become an issue in any part of the world especially in the United States. Many parents are unable to connect their children or showing them the true meaning of affection at the very young age. The good relationship between parents and children plays a big role to shape toddler’s behavior by providing them the appropriate limits of restriction. However, in some culture they use different ways to help reconstruct the behavior of their kids. This process will assist children to learn their boundaries, build their confidence, and learn facilitate themselves as well.
Break Time
I spend almost 8 hours on my computer updating and posting my opps. I didn't the notice the time wow...its 3 o clock, and I never had my lunch yet. My bitok is complaining to bad they were kicking each other right now. Anyway, I need to have a break for few minutes then get back here to finsh my last opps. Grrrrrr blogging nga makabuang :) as long I earn money on it I dont care! Well, guys see you in a few minuts hehehe I need to feed my worm:)
Blog Update
Unfinished chores
Saturday is suppose to be a day of resting, but in my case I don't have that rest since I still have more chores to do around the house. My husband has a wedding photo shot today (wedding shot)so he wont be here until eve I guess. He will be staying there from the church ceremony up to the reception. He allowed to leave there when everything is done of course including the closing contract (lol). Anyway, I am not taking any step to start my unfineshed job (iron) still have more to do from cleaning and dishes. I hope I could finished this before my husband come.
Waspy Meany
My husband and I always dealing with this problem during the summer, I am sure that you always sees this creature flying around and building their nest on your concrete or else inside the sliding door of your home. This is their favorite spot to construct their nasty houses to lay their eggs. WASP- striped black-and-yellow stinging insect: a slender black-and-yellow-striped social stinging insect. No matter what we do to drive them away or get rid of their nest, they still keep on coming on the same place, and sometime they sneak into your door and freely wandering around your house.
This insect is mean because they will harm you sometimes if they are not treated well, of course, no one would love to welcome them or let them stay inside their home, they will bother you all the time, and sometime ruin your house by building a dirty nest.
Yesterday, when I cooked our dinner I saw one of this creature flying around the kitchen. Its really annoying, I can’t concentrate to work because it follows me wherever I go, it pissed me off. I told my husband about it, and he just say “Kill it!” Well, I try, but it flies so quick, I took my slipper off, and ready to hit it. Arggggg it attacks me back instead of flying away. So, I run to the living room (giahak oi ako pa no-on ang gilagas sa amaw!) then he disappear.
This morning, when we took our breakfast, this creature starts to flew around and attack my husband Grrrrrr….my husband took my slipper then hit the insect instantly!. He ended broken bones lol and lifeless when he fell down on the floor. Poor Wasp!
This insect is mean because they will harm you sometimes if they are not treated well, of course, no one would love to welcome them or let them stay inside their home, they will bother you all the time, and sometime ruin your house by building a dirty nest.
Yesterday, when I cooked our dinner I saw one of this creature flying around the kitchen. Its really annoying, I can’t concentrate to work because it follows me wherever I go, it pissed me off. I told my husband about it, and he just say “Kill it!” Well, I try, but it flies so quick, I took my slipper off, and ready to hit it. Arggggg it attacks me back instead of flying away. So, I run to the living room (giahak oi ako pa no-on ang gilagas sa amaw!) then he disappear.
This morning, when we took our breakfast, this creature starts to flew around and attack my husband Grrrrrr….my husband took my slipper then hit the insect instantly!. He ended broken bones lol and lifeless when he fell down on the floor. Poor Wasp!
Today's Journal
Friday, July 11, 2008
My Disastrous Night
The Clock is ticking..tik..tak..tik..tak and time is running zoommmmm....until 4: o clock in the morning before I completely got my sleep. My night is a completely disaster that the reason why I feel so bad today. I look terrible, and felt groggy when I was inside the office. My eyes wants to sealed up, I try to concentrate on my work, but my mind keeps telling me to sleeppppp ( kay ang mata nanghubag kay walay tulog)Opppppps..! not my blog uh..uh..uh this not the mean reason why I got 3 hours of sleep last night. The primary source is my upset stomach! Darn it!I deal with it two nights in a row. Why? well, I dont have enough evidence to prove that my gues is right, but the possibility is 70 percent. Fresh milk is playing guilty on this case because I try to drink fresh milk two days ago, and then after an hour my stomach start to complain, and make embarassing noise gurrrrrrrrrrk!eeeeeeeeekkkkk (sounds like a fireworks) thats the noise I heard everytime I lay on the bed. This is a hell experience that I have since Wednesday. Stomach upset is difficult to deal with because its wake you up in the middle of the night. You need to secrete the bad elements inside your body in order to feel better. That's what I did last night, for thar reason I need to sleep near by the bathroom, and avoid to wake-up my husband. Bad..bad...bad... stomach keep me awake until 4 o clock in the morning.
Daily Journal,
Physical Illness
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Unexpected Guest
Tonight is the last meeting on my husband on his photography class. Well, normally I don't really stay on the living room to wait his student to come, I really prefer to stay at the office room to do my online task. That's the way I am, I just come out and say hello to them then walk through the kitchen to get something to eat. Anyway, I was staying inside the office room, then my husband told me to go out for a minute. I was wondering why because he usually not bothers me inside the room, so I was kind of asking myself, just ignore what it means. Well, when he opens the door I was surprise for the two people who came inside the house. They are both pinoy, and I was stuck, I dont know what to say because my husband never told me that he have two Pinoy student enrolled on his class. What a mean husband. His unfair because he never told me anything about them, whaaaaaa (naga tanga intawn si lola Berna)heheh, but anyway, I am so glad that I met Pab and Marie, they live in Dallas, and its not too far from us. So, what I did is I spent a little bit of my time to get to know them before the class starts. Marie invited me to attend their community group sometime so I can meet the rest of their group. Well, I am looking forward to attend their incoming event this month together with my friend Lilian. Hopefully we will.
Social Connection
Michael Jackson Suffer from Serious Illness?

I am not really into celebrity gossip ever since when I was in my country, but this article I have read on the internet make me thought about real health condition of Michael Jackson ( known as the “ The King of Pop”. The last time I heard about him was the rumors about a come back tour in the United States, unfortunately this rumors didn’t happen I don’t know why, maybe the report was over exaggerated by the press people.
Meanwhile, Michael Jackson was spotted in Las Vegas, by the paparazzi last Monday July 07. According to the photographer who took the picture above, the king of pop was wheeled and pushed around during an outing to a Las Vegas bookstore . He also added that “His skin was peeling and . . . he looks so thin and gaunt," said Mike Lopez, ( The New York Daily News) Jackson, who was also accompanied by his three children during his book store jaunt, was wearing a baseball hat, scarf and surgical mask that covered most of his face.
This is conclusive evidence stated that Michael Jackson is suffering from serious illness. If this report is real, then I am sure that he can get through all these. He still have millions of dollars on his account. He can afford buy the most expensive medicine to cure his illness.
Celebrity Gossip,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Affect of Bad Economy
Problem….Problem this is what I always heard from my sister back home. Of course, this is connected to financial matters especially for today’s economy. All citizens have suffer for this bad economy struck globally. Recently I have seen the gas price hike on TV, this is the pain on the pocket for every person who just depend on one job since there’s no company offer part-time job in my country. Every house keeper struggle (wife) to minimize the budget for their daily necessity.
My sister have 3 children, she stay in Manila, and I know that Manila is the primary area that badly affected on this problem. My brother -in -law have a permanent job, but this is not enough to cover the expenses for his family. I wish that I have the power to change the fresh water into oil so I wont heard anything about financial problem especially for my family.
My sister have 3 children, she stay in Manila, and I know that Manila is the primary area that badly affected on this problem. My brother -in -law have a permanent job, but this is not enough to cover the expenses for his family. I wish that I have the power to change the fresh water into oil so I wont heard anything about financial problem especially for my family.
Wandering Around Saigon Mall
I wake up so late today. first thinga I did was preparing my breakfast then open my computer. This is my daily routine especially the day that I am available for my job. ( blogging first before anything else) that my motto everyday. So, no wonder if I am doing my early stretch on my finger everyday.
Today is not as good as yesterday, Mel and I got nothing this morning from SS. I don't why, they just giving the opps that we already taken yesterday. Were looking for more to pop-up, unfortunately nothing came. So, we say goodbye to each other with empty handed (Naminghoy intawn)hehehe.
Meanwhile, I recieved aa call from my friend Lilian, she asked me if I am avaible today, so we decide to go in Asian Store (Saigon mall)to buy her food. We wandering around the whole area first before we headed to the grocery section. She really amazed how big the mall is. I have no plan to buy anything today, except for my food that I need for a week, like bulad or isda, but one item captured my eyes on chinese store. Honestly, I was looking for this item for so long, and I can't believe that I could find this item inside Saigon Mall. Well, without thinking it twice I bought this item right away. So, I am bringing it home with me with a big smile on my face.
Today is not as good as yesterday, Mel and I got nothing this morning from SS. I don't why, they just giving the opps that we already taken yesterday. Were looking for more to pop-up, unfortunately nothing came. So, we say goodbye to each other with empty handed (Naminghoy intawn)hehehe.
Meanwhile, I recieved aa call from my friend Lilian, she asked me if I am avaible today, so we decide to go in Asian Store (Saigon mall)to buy her food. We wandering around the whole area first before we headed to the grocery section. She really amazed how big the mall is. I have no plan to buy anything today, except for my food that I need for a week, like bulad or isda, but one item captured my eyes on chinese store. Honestly, I was looking for this item for so long, and I can't believe that I could find this item inside Saigon Mall. Well, without thinking it twice I bought this item right away. So, I am bringing it home with me with a big smile on my face.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Slow System
I was very disappointed tonight due to my computer system. Arggg… my computer is killing me that why I didn’t grab more opps in PPP. There’s a lot of opportunity slipped away because of my slow turtle system. This is the worst experience that I have on my computer, never had this slow system before. I try to check my virus protection just making sure if still working. Fortunately, it is working well, infact it captures only one virus that needs attention, nothing harmful it says, but how come it possibly happen. Do you have any idea about this scenario? I just hope that everything is going to be fine on my computer, I don’t want to stuck just like what I have experienced tonight, it ‘s really pissed me off.
Computer System Scenario,
Internet Service
About My Life
Rule:Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not.This is for your entire life!
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school
Seen someone die-X
Been to Florida
Been to Mexico
Been on a plane X
Been lost -X
Been on the opposite side of the country- X
Gone to Chicago
Swam in the ocean -X
Felt like dying
Cried yourself to sleep
Played cops and robbers when I was little
Recently colored with crayons -X
Sang karaoke -X
Paid for a meal with only coins -X
Did something you told yourself you wouldn't -X
Made prank phone calls -X
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose -X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue -X
Danced in the rain -X
Written a letter to Santa Claus
Been kissed under the mistletoe
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about -X
Blown bubbles -X
Made a bonfire on the beach -X
Crashed a party
Gone roller-skating Was too afraid to do it-X
Gone Ice-skating I don't know how
Gone skinny dipping
1. Nick-name? Bernie
2. Mother's nickname? Esona
3. What is your favorite drink? Warm Tea, Mango Juice, and Buko Juice
4. Tattoos? No!
5. Piercing? Yes, in my ears.
6. How much do you love your job? 100% Love :)
7. Birthplace: Negros Oriental, Philippines
8. Favorite vacation spot? Maldives
9. Ever been to Africa ? Nope.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Nope.
11. Ever been on TV? Unfortunately no.
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? Never
13. Ever been in a car accident? Nope.
14. Was it your fault?
15. 2 Doors or 4 Doors? 4
16. Salad dressing? Thousand island
17. Favorite pie? Pineapple pie.
18. Favorite number? 8
19. Favorite movies? mystery, Comedy, Horror
20. Favorite holiday? New Year, Christmas, and Thanksgiving
21. Favorite dessert? fruit salad,
22. Favorite food? Asian & Italian
23. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday
24. Favorite brand of Body soap? Dial liquid soap.
25. Favorite TV show! Discovery, Science, and History,Reality Tv show,and Animal planet.
26. Favorite smell? Baby Phat (GODDESS)& CURIOUS.
27. What do you do to relax? Watch tv and Listening Music.
28. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? I thank God for giving me a wonderful friend like you.
29. How do you see yourself in 10 years? having my own business.
30. What do you do when you are bored? Shopping
31. Furthest place you will send this message. Whole nation I hope :)
32. Who will respond the fastest? Those who interested I guess.
33. Who will LEAST likely respond? Can't Predict.
This Tag will pass with you Kat, Mel, and Jaja
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school
Seen someone die-X
Been to Florida
Been to Mexico
Been on a plane X
Been lost -X
Been on the opposite side of the country- X
Gone to Chicago
Swam in the ocean -X
Felt like dying
Cried yourself to sleep
Played cops and robbers when I was little
Recently colored with crayons -X
Sang karaoke -X
Paid for a meal with only coins -X
Did something you told yourself you wouldn't -X
Made prank phone calls -X
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose -X
Caught a snowflake on your tongue -X
Danced in the rain -X
Written a letter to Santa Claus
Been kissed under the mistletoe
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about -X
Blown bubbles -X
Made a bonfire on the beach -X
Crashed a party
Gone roller-skating Was too afraid to do it-X
Gone Ice-skating I don't know how
Gone skinny dipping
1. Nick-name? Bernie
2. Mother's nickname? Esona
3. What is your favorite drink? Warm Tea, Mango Juice, and Buko Juice
4. Tattoos? No!
5. Piercing? Yes, in my ears.
6. How much do you love your job? 100% Love :)
7. Birthplace: Negros Oriental, Philippines
8. Favorite vacation spot? Maldives
9. Ever been to Africa ? Nope.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Nope.
11. Ever been on TV? Unfortunately no.
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? Never
13. Ever been in a car accident? Nope.
14. Was it your fault?
15. 2 Doors or 4 Doors? 4
16. Salad dressing? Thousand island
17. Favorite pie? Pineapple pie.
18. Favorite number? 8
19. Favorite movies? mystery, Comedy, Horror
20. Favorite holiday? New Year, Christmas, and Thanksgiving
21. Favorite dessert? fruit salad,
22. Favorite food? Asian & Italian
23. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday
24. Favorite brand of Body soap? Dial liquid soap.
25. Favorite TV show! Discovery, Science, and History,Reality Tv show,and Animal planet.
26. Favorite smell? Baby Phat (GODDESS)& CURIOUS.
27. What do you do to relax? Watch tv and Listening Music.
28. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? I thank God for giving me a wonderful friend like you.
29. How do you see yourself in 10 years? having my own business.
30. What do you do when you are bored? Shopping
31. Furthest place you will send this message. Whole nation I hope :)
32. Who will respond the fastest? Those who interested I guess.
33. Who will LEAST likely respond? Can't Predict.
This Tag will pass with you Kat, Mel, and Jaja
Social Connection,
The Mastermind
I was browsing on computer last night doing my daily routine visiting and dropping card to my fellow bloggers. Well, I found one interesting article about personality test, this is a type psychological test for yourself. I didn’t hesitate to try this out for myself. This method allows you to discover your hidden character. So here’s mine, it sounds perfect to me:
"Your answers suggest you are a Mastermind
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Masterminds:
1. Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals.
2. Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency.
3. Think of themselves as logical, thorough, and bright.
4. Values practicality and common sense above ideas and theories
More about Masterminds:
Masterminds create a vision for the future by gathering and organising information. They then develop strategies to achieve their goals. They have a rare gift for looking at almost anything and seeing how it can be improved. These skills and the Masterminds' high standards often allow them to reach leadership positions at work.
Mastermind is the least common personality type in the UK, according to a nationwide survey.
Masterminds value independence and prefer to work on their own. Once they have decided on a course of action, Masterminds rarely change their minds, although they can be persuaded by clear reasoning by someone they respect.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Masterminds may cut themselves off from a group and criticize people who don't understand their plans. Under extreme stress, Masterminds may overindulge in sensory experiences like eating, shopping or watching television.
Masterminds often have an unusual sense of humour, which arises from their ability to spot surprising links between seemingly unconnected facts.
Mastermind Careers
Masterminds are drawn to jobs requiring logical analysis or abstract thinking common in science or technical fields.
It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.
"Your answers suggest you are a Mastermind
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Masterminds:
1. Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals.
2. Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency.
3. Think of themselves as logical, thorough, and bright.
4. Values practicality and common sense above ideas and theories
More about Masterminds:
Masterminds create a vision for the future by gathering and organising information. They then develop strategies to achieve their goals. They have a rare gift for looking at almost anything and seeing how it can be improved. These skills and the Masterminds' high standards often allow them to reach leadership positions at work.
Mastermind is the least common personality type in the UK, according to a nationwide survey.
Masterminds value independence and prefer to work on their own. Once they have decided on a course of action, Masterminds rarely change their minds, although they can be persuaded by clear reasoning by someone they respect.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Masterminds may cut themselves off from a group and criticize people who don't understand their plans. Under extreme stress, Masterminds may overindulge in sensory experiences like eating, shopping or watching television.
Masterminds often have an unusual sense of humour, which arises from their ability to spot surprising links between seemingly unconnected facts.
Mastermind Careers
Masterminds are drawn to jobs requiring logical analysis or abstract thinking common in science or technical fields.
It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.
Final Class
Today is the final class of my husband on his 35mm photography. The class will be held tonight at my house. So, I am very busy for today. I started to clean my kitchen first and go through living room, ut before I proceed. I grab 3 opps from SS, well this is my daily routine,I feel sick if I wont grab nothing today. Furtonately I got it..thanks God. The three girls (katie, Mel, and me) are succesfully have what we want for today, and hoping to grab more later tonight. Well, its time to continue my chores I hope I could finish it as soon as possible!
Daily Journal
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Signing Off
My eyes is fully awake at this time, it’s already 12:00 midnight. My husband keep on telling me to turn off my computer and go to bed. He get mad sometimes because I sleep very late all the time. He keep on telling me it is too much for computer, but I just ignore him instead. Just like now he walk back and fort checking on me what time do I need to go to bed. Well, what can I do, I am still working with my blog, and I can’t sleep if I am not finished with my task. This is not opps task, I am searching some important things that is useful for my page. That’s why I’m still here (siga pa ang mata). I usually sleep too late, my sleep pattern is abnormal since I started blogging it might be the reason why I couldn’t sleep early. Anyway, need to leave or sign off now before my husband dragging me to bed…J good night everyone. See you tomorrow
Blog Update
Mind Freak
Last month I made the Criss Angel post, today I was watching TV and navigating through channel 54, his show was play on this channel just for today. It is very seldom to watch his show in any cable channel, so I take this chances to watch his “Mind Freak” magic. He perform various types of magic from the very simple up to the freakiest one which definitely unbelievable. He use some celebrity as an audience on his magic, and of course all of them have the same thing to say, ‘Freak!” His one of a kind magician, he even blow Oprah’s mind, during his presentation in Oprah’s show. That’s the first time I saw Criss Angel’s performance. Its totally awesome!The King of Magic!
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Night Independence Day
4th of July is almost over, I just got back home. I been from Lilian’s house today, we made a little bit preparation for today. I cooked my pansit bihon, and thanks God they’ve love it! I am not ready good at it I just try it twice. The first one is not successful, but last is good enough.
Today I also met one Filipina she’s from Bacolod, she brought her husband. They bring fruits which is perfect for a desert after eating those yummy food we prepared. Lilian’s husband (John) made steak barbeque, order pizza, and more. The food is too much for 5 people, so each of us must bring it home. As usual nagkapuliki ug dala sa sud-an.
After the feast, we enjoy each company introducing the new friends, while we’re waiting for the time of the fireworks to start. This events held at Firewheel mall close to Lilian’s house, maybe 15 minutes away from her house. We started to walk at 9:15, we arrived exactly 9:30. When we get there I saw lots of people including children with different ethnic are gathered together to watched this annual event.
Not too far from us I could see first fireworks release it is a signaled to start the show in a second. People are clapping and cheering when it begun, while others are busy to take a shot in every fireworks releases in the sky. Some of them are emotional that time, while I am imagined the meaning of every sparkle of the light release in the sky. It is like a thousands of souls from those who died in serving this country and once again gathered together celebrating the victory of Independence
Today I also met one Filipina she’s from Bacolod, she brought her husband. They bring fruits which is perfect for a desert after eating those yummy food we prepared. Lilian’s husband (John) made steak barbeque, order pizza, and more. The food is too much for 5 people, so each of us must bring it home. As usual nagkapuliki ug dala sa sud-an.
After the feast, we enjoy each company introducing the new friends, while we’re waiting for the time of the fireworks to start. This events held at Firewheel mall close to Lilian’s house, maybe 15 minutes away from her house. We started to walk at 9:15, we arrived exactly 9:30. When we get there I saw lots of people including children with different ethnic are gathered together to watched this annual event.
Not too far from us I could see first fireworks release it is a signaled to start the show in a second. People are clapping and cheering when it begun, while others are busy to take a shot in every fireworks releases in the sky. Some of them are emotional that time, while I am imagined the meaning of every sparkle of the light release in the sky. It is like a thousands of souls from those who died in serving this country and once again gathered together celebrating the victory of Independence
Nationwide Celebration
Missing The Call
Hmmmmm just wondering never heard from any of those friends that used to call me every time we hunting oppss in SS. I was talking about Mel and Kat, we are usually crazy as hell hehehe when it comes to this matter. Well, we always shares if there’s any open opps from those blogvertise we are working with. I am very happy for having these them on my list. Though we’re hundred miles away from each other, we don’t hesitate to call whenever problem comes to us especially in post problem or personal problem. We don’t let everyone’s down, if we have something that we need to work on, like simple problem we discuss it. I love these girl, I am sure I am going to miss them when my school start. Anyway, maybe they might be busy preparing their menu for today. Mine too I already gathered my ingredients this early and after posting my second opps I will start to do my kitchen chores.
Social Connection
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Celebrating the Independence day
I just have talked to my friend Lilian, she invited me to go to her house tomorrow. We will celebrating the Independence day there. Normally on this kind of celebration we normally cook lots of food where everyone wants to participate on this kind of yearly celebration by sharing food. Well, I was assigned to cook pansit, I am not an expert to cook this menu, I tried it once and thanks God that my husband likes it. Lilian is planning to make barbecue which is the first on the list.
Independence is the yearly celebration where we give honor to those who have fight just to achieve our freedom. We are very fortunate to have those brave man who willing to die just to protect this country from those envious people who have tried to destroy it.
Independence is the yearly celebration where we give honor to those who have fight just to achieve our freedom. We are very fortunate to have those brave man who willing to die just to protect this country from those envious people who have tried to destroy it.
Annual Celebration
Cooking My Favorite Menu
I have thought about cooking my vegetables that I was purchased in Saigon Mall last Sunday. After I talked to my 2 wonderful firends Katie and Mel, I derictly walked to the kitchen and gathered my ingredients. Thank God that I have decided to cook it today because when I checked the half squash there is a little bit mold on it hmmm but hey! its not completely rotten. Well, this things educate me though because I thought it will be lasted for a week or so (lol. Anyway, I finally cooked my Kalabasa, Monggo, with gata and I put some shrimp in it, the result is perfect. I wish that I have my friends close to me so I can share some of my cooked utan.
Filipino Foods
Personality Test
I grab this personal test from Lyn, she's one of the members of the entrecard family.I was curios, and I try is for my self. Well, the result is fantastic, some of these word is true.

What the House Test Says About You |
![]() You have a high opinion of yourself. You think that you are quite important in the scheme of things... definitely more important than most people. You aren't against being community oriented, but it's not really your thing. You tend to prefer to focus on your family and not the neighborhood around you. You are a social, friendly, and giving person. You like to bring people together and make them feel happy. You take good care of your physical appearance. You dress well, stay in shape, and do your best to look great. You are moved by romance and love. You are optimistic about people, and you love hearing about happy endings. |
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Furniture Hunting
It is very sad to know when Marissa has finally made her decision to move in Virginia States. Although were not have so much time to know each other, I can feel deep inside that she’s one of a kind person. I met Marissa through my friend Lilian, she introduced me to her when Lilian bought me to her house for get together. She’s a very strong woman, intelligent, and lots of ideas. I know that there’s more good qualities to discover on her, but were not able to get to know each other since we’re both busy in our daily responsibilities.
Marissa was selling her house since last year, she has been waiting for a year to sell her house. Fortunately, she finally found one interested buyer from Houston, I can feel how excited she was when these couple visited their house, and gave her a down payment.
Meanwhile, Marissa starts selling her furniture, appliances, and ornaments since her house is on the market. Majority of them sold in a very low price, and guess what you never regret if you bough it because all of them are in good condition. No wonder if Lilian and I got few left inside her house (lol).
I bought her coffee table and two side table, lamps, and two dragon jar. There’s some more that I wanted to buy, Lilian and I planning to go back this coming weekend to continue hunting some interesting stuff inside her house.
Marissa was selling her house since last year, she has been waiting for a year to sell her house. Fortunately, she finally found one interested buyer from Houston, I can feel how excited she was when these couple visited their house, and gave her a down payment.
Meanwhile, Marissa starts selling her furniture, appliances, and ornaments since her house is on the market. Majority of them sold in a very low price, and guess what you never regret if you bough it because all of them are in good condition. No wonder if Lilian and I got few left inside her house (lol).
I bought her coffee table and two side table, lamps, and two dragon jar. There’s some more that I wanted to buy, Lilian and I planning to go back this coming weekend to continue hunting some interesting stuff inside her house.
Blog Update; Furniture,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Blog Experiement
I got this experimental tag from Jaja...Thanks girl
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2. Creative In Me 3. Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. The Salad Caper 7. All Kinds of Me Stuff 8. Aggie Scraps 9. Winding Creek Circle 10. Mommy Talks 11. Fun | Fierce | Fabulous 12. Me, Myself + 2 13. Confessions of a Supermodel Wannabe 14. My Precious Nice 15. Just Me.. Eds 16. Eds Mommy Life 17. Jean’s Live it Up… 18. My Simple Joys 19. My life is Peachy 20. Melisse's Domain 21. Seize The Day 22. Nicotine's World 23. Bernie 24.YOUR BLOG HERE
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list here!
3. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.
1. I posted this experiment at URL:
2. I posted this on date (day, month, year): 07/01/08
3. I posted this at time (24 hour time): 01:00 a.m.
4. My posting location is (city, state, country): Texas,USA
5. My blog is hosted by: Blogger
6. My age is: 32
7. My gender is: Female
8. My occupation is: Office Clerk
9. I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: FeedBurner
10. I use the blog format to post to my blog: Blogger
11. I have been blogging since (day, month, year): April 03, 2007
12. My web browser is: FireFox
13. My operating system is: Windows Vista
I would like to extend this Experiment to Katie, Mel, Joy
Participants: 1. Me and Mine 2. Creative In Me 3. Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6. The Salad Caper 7. All Kinds of Me Stuff 8. Aggie Scraps 9. Winding Creek Circle 10. Mommy Talks 11. Fun | Fierce | Fabulous 12. Me, Myself + 2 13. Confessions of a Supermodel Wannabe 14. My Precious Nice 15. Just Me.. Eds 16. Eds Mommy Life 17. Jean’s Live it Up… 18. My Simple Joys 19. My life is Peachy 20. Melisse's Domain 21. Seize The Day 22. Nicotine's World 23. Bernie 24.YOUR BLOG HERE
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list here!
3. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.
1. I posted this experiment at URL:
2. I posted this on date (day, month, year): 07/01/08
3. I posted this at time (24 hour time): 01:00 a.m.
4. My posting location is (city, state, country): Texas,USA
5. My blog is hosted by: Blogger
6. My age is: 32
7. My gender is: Female
8. My occupation is: Office Clerk
9. I use the following RSS/Atom reader software: FeedBurner
10. I use the blog format to post to my blog: Blogger
11. I have been blogging since (day, month, year): April 03, 2007
12. My web browser is: FireFox
13. My operating system is: Windows Vista
I would like to extend this Experiment to Katie, Mel, Joy
Blog Community,
Blog Update: Tagging
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